94 Saab 900s convertible catalytic converter bypass replacement

94 Saab 900s convertible catalytic converter bypass replacement

I cut my catalytic converter out on my 1994 Saab 900S convertible I now have much more power and better gas milage and it didn’t kick the check engine light …



cpardillos says:

Great video. I made a copy of yours. Thanks!

flexicon651 says:

That is illegal… It is federal law that all cars made beyond 1976 have a
catalytic converter.

AdirondackNY says:

true, but it has been almost 2 years and the car runs great & uses less gas
& the sound the exhaust makes as its pumping those hydro-carbons out is

zestydude87 says:

Im thinking about doing this to my 86 Porsche 944 Turbo. Would be nice to
get a few more ponies out of the engine and maybe a couple more miles to
the gallon gas wise. Didnt have any trouble with loss of back pressure?

TheSittur says:

wow in europe they came on cars late 80s

AdirondackNY says:

@zestydude87 a year later and it was the best move I made on this car, back
pressure is not an issue at all

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