Porsche Boxster 2001 IMS installation trouble

Porsche Boxster 2001 IMS installation trouble

Porsche Boxster 2001 (w/ dual-row IMS). Having problems while trying to install the new bearing (LN retrofit kit)



Fit joejoe says:

Buy an early 80s Porsche 911, you wont have these Boxster nightmares ! 32
years old and my 911 iddles and runs devine ! 

TheArfdog says:

It’s too late now, but you should know the IMS deal is a fraud. Just ask a
mechanical engineer if you know one. The forces of the intermediate shaft
do not go into that center bolt.

DaytonCarCare says:

OK that’s good. I have seen photos were the IMS has failed and has caused
catastrophic failure in the engine because of the metal parts from the
bearing getting into the cylinders. So it’s a wise replacement when doing
the clutch.

Hakim Raja says:

I wasnt having any particular noise issues. I was changing clutch and so
decided to do it at the same time. Turned out to be more involved than I
anticipated. But it ended well and car has been running smooth for over a
year now. In hindsight, its not probably worth doing even if you are
getting in there for other reasons, but otherwise have no other indications
of an impending failure. Good luck

hucqym says:

Update: switched to a regular hammer instead of this deadblow and it went
in like butter! yay!

DaytonCarCare says:

I’m glad you solved it. Do you have a video before the install and what the
engine sounded like?

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