Porsche 996 Oil change, teaching my 16 yr old, how to change the oil in a Porsche 911

Porsche 996 Oil change, teaching my 16 yr old, how to change the oil in a Porsche 911

It was time to change the oil on my 2003 porsche 911 carrera cabriolet. Since Alex was over I asked him if we wanted to help and is very interested in cars so. we made this tutorial video of him changing in the oil and learning to do it, the simple way. car flat on the ground. the correct pan for oil collection and I already own all the tools.
Took us about 70 minutes to do the oil change and we took a snake break while the oil was draining.
I am very proud of Alex, he understood and followed all the instructions perfectly. He has said he is interested in becoming a mechanic.



Mike says:

You could jack up one corner, do all the steps, lower the corner while it drains, then raise it again to do all the steps again. I'm skinny and tall but it then allows you to do a quick visual inspection of your car at the very least.


Have you ever used the Porsche touch up paint and clear coat? That’s a “how to” video I’d like to see. I bought some, but haven’t tried it, yet.

DSC800 says:

I gotta say, those scooters were bothering me through the whole video. They are like magnets to nice cars. Ask me how I know.

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