iPad Mini install Porsche 996

iPad Mini install Porsche 996

Installation of iPad Mini in Porsche 996 http://www.6speedonline.com/forums/996/301123-ipad-mini-dash-install-996-mkii.html.



Rob Wilson says:

look under the “about” link

Rob Wilson says:

Mark I updated the description to contain the link to the thread.

Mark Baker says:

Clearly I am not an avid YouTube user, so please excuse my ignorance, but I
do not see the link to 6speed that you referenced, Rob. Can you please
share that link as a comment here? Thank you!

Seth Cusumano says:

I understand you used the Schoche IPFMRDS to connect the iPad to the
factory head unit. Is that right? If so, do they have one for the new
lightening connector that I’m not aware of?

Rob Wilson says:

Seth I used my iPhone. You could also use a GoPro.

Rob Wilson says:

Seth it works great for me. No problems. The name of the song appears on
the radio and dash displays and the sound is excellent. The iPad mini also
charges fine.

Rob Wilson says:

Seth I used an adaptor.

Rob Wilson says:

alxxnova64 i used a program called Activator – select the anywhere option
then power- connected begin receiving A/C power and disconnected- stop
receiving A/C power.

Rob Wilson says:

Correct i used the IPFMRDS

Seth Cusumano says:

Thanks Rob. I’ve read reviews of people having problems with the IPFMRDS
going through the Apple 30pin-lightening adapter. Did you encounter any
issues or did it all work just fine for you?

Seth Cusumano says:

What did you use as a camera for Harry’s lap timer?

Rob Wilson says:

I’ve added a link in the video description to the install thread on 6Speed

alxxnova64 says:

How did you make it turn off with the ignition?

fibrahimaayan says:

How do you install it, it is possible that guide us on the way, thank you

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