Fixing a Customer's Floppy Stick in his Porsche

Fixing a Customer's Floppy Stick in his Porsche

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clayton warren says:

I think I would stick to a sticky shifter if it wasn't crazy hard to move.

GoForBenja says:

"Porsche Carerra" "Lack of maintenance"

T00L says:

Go in for a shifter and 7 grand later it’s fixed. F@ck Porsche.

Reid Moore says:

I used to have a 95 ford aspire with the vaugest shifter ever, but somehow, I could still shift just fine.. If anybody else got in the car though, they'd be like "wtf is this shit?" lol

Buck Wheat says:

Service was at least $2-4000

owen paus says:

Thank god for your subtitles man. I love how fast you talk and how concise you are. But tonight I wanted to smoke a fat ass bowl and it took me like 10 minutes to understand this. Took me another five just to write this.

Will Ford says:

Bad bush = wet noodle

Moe Lester says:

Lol “sir I came in for an oil change “

Dennis Canon says:

Wow sounds expensive

MaDeSch says:

It's pronounced kar-rer-a not kerrur

Michael Athens says:

God damn what must it be like to not only be able to afford a Porsche but those kind of repairs/upgrades? I'll never know.

Wesley Wells says:

That's what she said

Joshua Robinson says:

The fact that they have to send out the transmission to have it cleaned and service…. Not to mention removing it to do the same job some WD-40 or penetrating lubricant could do… this is why you cant trust new age auto mechanics.

IWriteEssaysInTheCommentSection says:

I would simply just pass away.

kevin nixon says:

You sure he wasn't flying a plane? Stick shakers are serious!

Louis Iovine says:

That was a small fortune !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

G Ra says:

$8500 later, the owner is proud to say the gear shifter works just fine now.

Not so Gullible says:

Possibly the most expensive way of fixing this car … Not surprised at all by this channel .

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