How To Replace the Window Regulator on a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix

How To Replace the Window Regulator on a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix

This video shows how to replace the front driver’s side window regulator on a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix.



ejimenez0001 says:

Thank you very much!! I needed the details for replacing a side view mirror. The other videos on youtube are not detailed on how to remove panel. You Rock!!

Dan Aurit says:

Appreciate the video! Very helpful… Thank you!

haxmya says:

Worked like a charm. Thanks man.


Thank bro need the info

Steve Kuzj says:

Thanks sooooo much for tutorial. I just made the repair; saving myself $300, and hours of annoyance waiting around some mechanic’s shop.

densityduckk says:


monkeybanditz says:

actually my car is doing great as well. im watching because i need to remove the door panel in order to install dynamat. removing the door panel is a pretty common search on pretty much all cars.

Goldenrod636 says:

Is the Grand Prix or the Bonneville the flagship?

GillRigged says:

I heard the cameraman yawn @15:53. 😛

Inspector711 says:

If your car is so good then why are you watching repair videos on youtube? Pontiacs are junk.

rodolfo rodriguez says:

any car is a piece of junk if you dont give them the correct maintenance.

Joy Frazier says:

Mine has been well maintained and served me quite well. : )

Inspector711 says:

These cars are pure junk

David Thomas says:

This was super helpful. Even though it was my window motor that was blown and not the regulator that was the problem, this was all of the info that I needed. Thanks.

TheNoname6925 says:

The door panel was a Bi#+ch to get off. I know there’s a bolt for the window.

TheNoname6925 says:

I want to just be able to pull up my window in the rear passenger side. HELP!

billybob27851 says:

Dont need to replace the regulator but did need to get the door panel off! Thanks for the help!

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