Peugeot 206 Clock Backlight Repair

Peugeot 206 Clock Backlight Repair

Multifunction display units can fade over time as the bulbs which provide a backlight blow. On the Peugeot 206 this can be repaired by simply inspecting the bulbs and replacing any which are defective.

To set the language, date, time and unit of temperature the buttons at either side of the display are used.

1 – Pressing and holding the button to the left of the display accesses the settings, information will flash showing that it is ready to be modified. Each subsequent press will cycle between the different settings.

2 – Pressing the button to the right of the display will modify the chosen setting. By leaving the display for seven seconds it will return to the main display having saved your changes.




Bluesr0cker says:

I have the problem with this display that it's too dim.. I replaced the bulbs but I can't control it with the rest of the lights…

mikeyp says:

thanks for the video. do the 286 bulbs work for the climate control? do you have a video for that?

Galaxy 61 says:

Could you make a video of how to turn the airbag light off please..
Or indicating which fuse is related to?

gijsmuis says:

how can you change the color on your dashboard?

Sabah Hamid says:

Can you navigat me wich fuze have connected for or working for this display! i think i have mybe problem with a fuze but can't fine out wich fuze is that!!wanna ask about the fuze for this light wich fuze is that ? thanks

Skankhunt42 says:

What are they we bulbs called, as in size etc. Just so I know what I am looking for when buying them. I have just got my first car. A Peugeot 206 obviously. It's for me to learn how to drive in, with lessons on the side with a proper driving instructor. as I only have a provisional licence.

Sabah Hamid says:

I have replaced a new bulbs it's same ! If you have answer please replay me. thanks a lot for your help .

Kristjan Piller says:

thanks, that's helpful, but are these bulbs orange or white light?

CTTT 93 says:

I've fitted 3 brand new bulbs, but my display is still very dim so I can't see the display. What could be wrong?

totaltwit says:

I fitted the LED versions of the lamp, not a great idea, the 3 LEDs showed 3 white illuminated spots, not great, incandescent lamps are the ones to go for. I had to scuff up the tops of the LEDs to give some diffusion, it looks better but these incandescent would have been better.

Kieran Walsh says:

Thanks, very helpful. Thanks also to the comment that explained about the hexagonal screw as that was really important. My 52 year old mother who is totally not practically minded managed to do this all by herself !!!!

Flashman163 says:

is there a specific way I have to fit the bulb? or can it go in both ways?

hasna elyousfi says:

e w

thech stevanovski says:

Hello there! I would like to ask one question, I have Peugeot 206sw 2003 and I am having an issue, few weeks ago my clock display used to dim when I turn on the headlamps, but now it is pretty bright and nothing changes. I am wondering is something wrong now or it was wrong before? Thank you in advance!

SuperFIFTHGEAR says:

Do you have to disconnect the battery when doing this? Already bought the bulbs, so will tackle this either tomorrow or during the week. Thanks in advance for making this clear informative video!

AzKat says:

Thanks, didn't know how to remove the trim, tried pulling from front to back, the solution was so much simpler.

Abrakadabraaaa says:

thank you very much :-)!!!!

Gyomorei Peter says:

what type of bulb did you use please?

n00dlesbuilder says:

this is so helpful. a new display costs 300 usd in my country. thank you very much

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