Tony Abbott – picking arguments with 6 year olds, and putting Wyatt Roy in his place

Tony Abbott – picking arguments with 6 year olds, and putting Wyatt Roy in his place

Source: The Project – February 8, 2012.



Mark Novak says:

The only reason Abbott picks fights with 6 year olds is that he wants to
win an argument with his intellectual superiors. Bad luck about losing yet
again, Tony. Perhaps a pre-schooler is down there on your level?

michelle margin says:

I would be furious if my child was put in that class with scary Tony
Abbott..They should have been wearing hard hats and ear plugs..poor kids.

tom says:

wyatt roy is a young dweeb who wont be taken seriously because he is young,
has very little work experience, has not had a career outside politics so
doesnt know the world around him to as fine a degree as others like julie

David Hill says:

I fucking hate him ..thumbs up !

acotrel1 says:

I wonder if he’d get more votes if he wore them in Oxford Street Sydney on
a Saturday night ?

tpjpower says:

“like Julie Bishop”

acotrel1 says:

Child abuse ? They should be seen and not heard . Didn’t Abbott train for
the priesthood ?

wonderbouy says:

Then Tony went on to say “Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
me me me me me!”

acotrel1 says:

Wyatt Roy was probably a Rhodes Scholar too ? He is smart enough to be one.

phonytonyabbott says:

@TheMichaelseymour – I like nearly everyone on the Project, except for
Steve Price (even Vizard is ok). The Project need to put a
disclaimer/message on the screen whenever Steve Price starts talking
politics – his wife, Wendy Black, is actually employed by the Liberal Party
as the Communications Director (according to LinkedIn), so he’s hardly
going to talk down the Liberal Party for fear of upsetting his wife, or the
Liberal Party (her boss). If you ask me, that’s a big conflict of interest.

mick harvey says:

what shower of lefty wankstains, this is why aust tv is the worst in the
western world


Must be hard to be in a room full of children more qualified to lead the

phonytonyabbott says:

@brentoneccles – Abbott treated him like one of the students. It was quite
funny – and yet, horrible – to see.

Barnes Barnesy says:

Mr Rabbit is an idiot. If he does happen to win the 2013 election he will
lose the following one. He will be a one-term PM. He is stupid, arrogant,
rude and selfish. I can’t find any redeeming qualities about him or his

tom says:

as a uni student, later parliamentarian with vile anti-woman, anti-gay
views, its clearly he who does too much talking

Michael Seymour says:

i hate those self satisfied pricks on the project almost as much as abbott
.. i know deep in his heart charlie pickering knows better than to be
aligned with dickheads especially steve price ..but money talks .

slutica says:

@Mischelle999 well the apple doesnt fall far from the tree so likely your
kid wont make it through kindy. u wont have to worry about abbott visiting
your kid in year 1

michelle margin says:

@Schnappi1936 The only reason this imbecile has power can be said in one
word ‘Murdoch’!..Murdoch’s EVIL tentacles have spread like a cancer
throughout our media and the only people Murdoch and tony protect are the
billionaire boys club..Money buys power and big ears has both behind him. I
never knew Australians were so gullible, so easily bought..anyone who reads
the Daily Terror or Non Australian is brainwashed fodder for the
Libtards..Now they are tempting our children? Evil bastards!

KrunchyJD says:

Go listen to Fox News, you probably think that is balanced and reasonable.

AntipodeanStar says:

Abbott makes your skin crawl.

michi aha says:

Abbott is a mega Creep; he also walks funny coz he must have haemorrhoids.

acotrel1 says:

Tony Abbott will do great things for Australia, he will destroy the
economy, and the LNP along with it. It will be a great opportunity for

Jennifer Burkhardt says:

these guys promote him.. he has control over the private networks. he is a
greedy little private school boy who has no morals.. remember chasers? now
thats a show

chiefmegadeth says:

no no no no. no. no-no

Chris Kelly says:

Personally I think his budgie smugglers are too tight.

schapman235 says:

ahhhh fuck………. Tony Abbott represents my nightmares

brentoneccles says:

Poor Wyatt. Could’ve at least let him finish the sentence!

slutica says:

oh my god this is gold tony abbott. why is it cruel when you point out to a
kid the fallacy of their argument. arent kids at school to learn logic and
reasoning? money doesnt make you happy but i want to keep mine. perhaps
that kid will learn to think for herself instead of parroting the cr@p her
mum on benefits spews

acotrel1 says:

He will be OK after they squeeze him, and his head pops out of his arse .

liz123242 says:

I love Tony Abbott, can’t wait until he’s PM.

acotrel1 says:

Tony Abbott is the best leader the Liberal Party has ever had, and Wyatt
Roy is a great understudy. Another Rhodes Scholar on the way to the top ?

michelle margin says:

@Schnappi1936 What parent would let their child anywhere near that psycho!
The poor kids must have had nightmares after such a creepy experience with
the big eared twat!

michelle margin says:

Abbott is so creepy..If he came anywhere near my child I would call the
police.!!! My husbands Lawyer went to Uni with big ears and says he was
known as the local psychopath, very sexist and violent. Imagine this ugly
imbecile having more power?? Creeeeeeeeeeeeeepy!!!:(((((

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