1996 Olds 98 backup light fix

1996 Olds 98 backup light fix

Mom’s car gets some love..



rpeek says:

We had it serviced when we put new betls and stuff on it a couple years ago. She don’t drive much, so it don’t get a lot of use.

Joshua Peek says:

That’s been a great car.. I wonder if she’s put enough miles on it to get the oil changed….. I wonder if she’s ever gotten the oil changed. Granddaddy took care of that.. ?? what you think?

Cheator40 says:

Glad you got it going for your mom. Good job.

rpeek says:

Yea, I brought a cold home with me. 

rpeek says:

She says I am. I take her word for it. She don’t seem like the kind to tell a lie.

rpeek says:

I wondered into town in a double wide Freightliner 20+ years ago, took a look around, and decided to stick around a while.

Todd Kessinger says:

Sounds like you got a little scratchy throat thing goin’ on… yeah?


zx8401ztv says:

ooow that bulb looked like it lost vacume.

The thumb screws are nice, they were “wingnuts” in my youth, i dont know why all manufacturers dont use them for light fixings.

Bruce Boschek says:

It’s a good feeling to be able to fix things for those closest to us. A lot of people these days are unable or unwilling to learn to do those things. Good job.

doogals99 says:

Hmmm, a Peek with backup lights that work. Interesting! Are you sure she’s related to you?

tertessa says:

That’s a nice looking Olds…. Mom’s lucky to have a son that can fix things :)

The Shade Tree Fix-it Man says:

Good boy, taking care of mom. Hope it works that way when we get old… But so far, we are alike in that we are still helping our children fix things…and glad to be able to do it too!
Blessings my friend,

corlejd says:

If you are from Gods country, down here in the south, how in the world did you end up in the northeast anyways.

RobsPackanShine says:

Good stuff

OKnight1Roger says:

oh oh oh Come Visit me!!! I live here in Georgia!!! I really could meet you somewhere depending where you are and if you have time!

MrBlueroads says:

Im first! HA

MrBlueroads says:

Got to have back up lights to get out of here. Hard to beat Georgia 10-4

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