Removing Outer Timing Chain Cover on a 1997 Nissan Maxima GXE

Removing Outer Timing Chain Cover on a 1997 Nissan Maxima GXE

This video focuses on techniques to help you remove the timing chain cover on many if not most Nissans. Hope this helps!



B. Cleveland says:

My 1997 Nissan Max keeps stopping on me at Traffic lights and everywhere
and I cant find a Video for that.

doctaroofy says:

Working hours was about 3 days. I am not a professional, just got a book
and watched videos. It is because I changed both head gaskets and all the
other gaskets along the way. I also polished and cleaned down the engine
and surfaces, changed timing chains and water pump and all that. Just take
your time with it, no rush. I do have videos from the job, but I live in
the Caribbean now for med school and the internet is very slow to upload. I
will try.

Marq333 says:

Is it necessary to remove the upper intake manifold & valve covers to
perform this job?

Sokhann Pha says:

you make it looks sOo easy ..

pablo martinez says:

lifesavers, we aren’t too familiar with nissans and hadn’t suspected
something like this until hours later, thanks for the vid

doctaroofy says:

Just take your time with it, don’t rush.


forgot to drop the oilpan theres two 12 mm bolts in the bottom

doctaroofy says:

yes, sorry for forgetting to mention this.

likedbymany says:

how long did the whole process take? do you still make videos?

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