Cabin air filter replacement- Nissan Rogue

Cabin air filter replacement- Nissan Rogue

Purchase this filter at AQ1114 filter fits Nissan Altima 07-10, Rogue 08-11 and Sentra 09-11. The model shown in this video…



Eric Ricacho says:

Thanks for the video! Not too difficult, but not too easy either like other cars I’ve worked with..
Side note: what a terrible location for an air filter. Obviously not designed by a ‘car guy’ engineer.

filterheads says:

You are welcome!

Oscar Lai says:

Thx for the video, dealer today said it costs 65 canadian dollor to replace for me.

filterheads says:

We’re glad our video could help!

dakidsbac777 says:

Great video, saved me $

Mlowery85 says:

We have 2 2012 Rogue SLs.. this is the stupidest location ever.

filterheads says:

We’re glad our video could help!

DJ TITO says:

This will save us $75 – $85 from the Dealers. 🙂

asdffdasasde says:

Good video, but what a shitty, shit crap place to put the filtration box.

morphicification says:

will do! But in terms of it location i doubt it is similar to the altima as my local dealer says its a 2 hr charge and despite being in the great white north my ass just cringes as to how much they would charge. My guess is its near the center console.

filterheads says:

Thankyou! We don’t have a video of the 2011 Murano yet, but we do have a video for the filter that it uses. Part number AQ1140 fits the 2011 Nissan Murano. We have an Altima video that should be very similar, it not the same. Search “AQ1140” on YouTube and see if your filter is located in the same place. Let us know if it isn’t so we can investigate further!

morphicification says:

Can you do a video on a 2011 nissan murano please. Great vid btw

filterheads says:

The opening in the housing that the filter fits in to is smaller than the actual filter, so you might just need to scrunch in the top and bottom of the filter to clear the opening. Once the filter is inside the top and bottom open back up so that they extend further than the opening. There may also be something in the housing that the filter is getting caught on, and may just need to be installed at a different angle. We hope this helps!

XFoolXProofX says:

I couldnt get mine top seat in all the way. Any tips for that? Thanks for the video!

Twizz says:

Thanks! Great video. Took me 10 minutes. The filter door didn’t want to come off so had to use a tool to gently pry it off.

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