Cabin air filter replacement- Nissan Pathfinder

Cabin air filter replacement- Nissan Pathfinder

Purchase this filter at: AQ1113 This filter fits Nissan Frontier 05-11, Pathfinder 05-10, Xterra 05-10 and Suzuki Equator 0…



Michael Jones says:

I think you miss the part where there is NO bolt (although, there is a
place for one) and there is a clip that is nearly guaranteed to break. Any
suggestions on how to keep the brittle clip from breaking off during

filterheads says:

We’re glad our video could help! It’s a good thing you changed that filter!

TheYewLongbow says:

Very handy video clip that, as i wasn’t exactly too sure where the pollen
filters were on my 06 Pathfinder. Im starting to get a dusty smell with the
blowers on, so they must me over due a change.

filterheads says:

Thanks! We’re glad this video could help!

mkiii2jz says:

Great video, just did mine on 07 Pathy.My filter was almost black! And it
was installed wrong by dealer,crap. Thank you again good work!

smosh1490 says:

Muchas gracias por este video,sin saber ingles lo pude hacer

filterheads says:

That’s a lot of savings! We’re glad our video was helpful!

filterheads says:

Yes, the 2012 Pathfinder takes the same AQ1113 filter and is located in the
same place.

PigsFeetwithWings says:

Thank you! I knew it was easy, but couldn’t find the panel door they
mentioned in the directions. Man! Were my old filters disgusting! Thanks
again! You saved my $165 (price the dealer wanted to charge me). What a
joke!! : D

Ololo1887 says:

Только что поменял в Nissan Pathfinder 2012. Все как на видео, только нету
там болта, хотя место для него есть. У дилера 69 долл, самому 11 долл.
Ощутимая разница! Спасибо за видео, иначе не удавалось обнаружить все эти
внутренние дверки.

BigIronBBQPV says:

Th filter for the 2006 Pathfinder is behind the glove box to the right.
It’s a tabbed panel. No need for a wrench!

filterheads says:

Our AQ1113 includes these filters as a set. Right now you can purchase this
set of filters for $21.42 on our website, just search AQ1113.

filterheads says:

Thank you for this information!

filterheads says:

Sounds like a good cabin air filter change will help!

Игорь Бувайло says:

Спасибо , помогли . Оказалось проще простого ! + 100

ThuongHawaii says:

Thank you Filterhead it help alot.

JOURNEY67 says:

The filer is located in the same place in a pathfinder 2012?

filterheads says:

It could be. Anything that gets stuck in the filter could change the smell
of the air in your cabin.

imthefercho says:

Question: IF my air conditioner smells like vinegar, could this be the
problem? Thanks!!!

carlosemacias1992 says:

So do I have to buy two filters?

filterheads says:

We are glad our video could help!

tzmueller says:

Excellent video, worked perfect for me!

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