Mitsubishi Lancer Rear Trailing Arm Replacement

Mitsubishi Lancer Rear Trailing Arm Replacement

In this video, I change out the rear trailing arm on a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer. In fact it is my 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer that needed it replaced. It was a lot easier to replace the whole unit then just press out the bushing. The hardest part I faced was removing the front bushing bolt. It took forever to do otherwise everything else was able to be pulled apart pretty easily. I hope this video helps and as normal don’t forget to comment, like and subscribe.



@anoldguyandsomeoldcars8922 says:

Wow. Nice job! My 03 is here in Cleveland but it was from Tennessee.. been with me since 2018….almost no rust. Great little car But finding good parts for it can be a real challenge…

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