Replacing Mercury / Ford Crown Victoria Doors part 1

Replacing Mercury / Ford Crown Victoria Doors part 1

Looking over the damage and discussing the game plan for this repair.



Emin Muradov says:

This video differs in quality man, really nice picture, so much better to
watch pisser

Tragic Hero says:

I always liked the look of these. can make em look real nice.

Bighappy says:

Working at night, Good move. much cooler working at night…

Veikra says:

R.I.P. crown vic 🙁 They were good cars

SurviventheOnslaught says:

amazing you found junk yard doors same color with the strip, good shit

wolfsblood07 says:

Excellent point about the lack of a key lock on the passenger side door on
’03-era models. Same holds for my ’03 Monte Carlo, and it’s a pain in the
neck to have to use the key fob. I have to unlock both doors with the fob
to get the passenger side unlocked.

iFailure1 says:

More frequent vids would be nice.

Ram Francisuk says:

They did away with passenger door locks to save a few bucks on the cost of
the vehicle – all about profit

KingDWS says:

If you had to are those doors repairable? I know it isn’t worth the money
if replacements are available. I’ve run across a few project cars that had
a fender or hood pretty bashed up and I passed on them as a result. Older
Euro cars and nada for spares available.

TheNivek78 says:

Thanks for the video Pisser

Brandon Harvey says:

I got a crown vic you would have to pry it from my cold, dead hands

san379 . says:

kenny u pull ottawa ontario canada sells any used door for 35$.. any

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