Replacing Mercury / Crown Victoria Doors Part 5

Replacing Mercury / Crown Victoria Doors Part 5

replacing the lower door hinge.



netrioter says:

a powerpac/enerpac would bend the whole lower post just stick it
in the hole behind the lower mount and its all gravy after that.

giannis eman says:

now that was a fan series too watch and u posted it really quickly well
done :DDDD

poplvr says:

Hey shawn,you probably don’t have much use for a pricey frame machine.How
about one of those L-style car body/frame straighteners.Like a L dozer or
versa puller. I used someone’s homemade one with a boat winch before and it
worked great.You could probably build one pretty easy, Just a thought.

SwPiotrek says:

Pisser are you sad or tired? Your voice sounds little bit different.

HackNpackShop says:

ive been thinking a dozer would be perfect here..i used to use a kansas
jack magna rack and that thing was the nuts! But i did manage to bend a

CarGuyDiy731 says:

Haven’t watched video 6 yet, but could it be shimmed possibly?

Jx1x3 says:

Baddass video series

ericpinter29 says:

just weld a plate on it with a loop and attach the comealong there, that
way you can move it and pull the rocker to instead of just pulling where
the hinge is, and then when your done just just it off

Ross Robertson says:

you should make a bloopers video


no more noisy hinge

TheNivek78 says:

#1 🙂

Mike Plants says:

Do have a roof jake old school push on it some times it works old body
teacher showed me that

RobsPackanShine says:

good stuff… vids….we like that kind

vwfoolwhy says:

Need to in best in one of those head strap camera mounts… Pisser POV…

D4x4Bronc says:

finally vids!!!!!

D4x4Bronc says:

I have three nuts, i’m better than average? jk

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