Forced to replace water pump on a Mercury Pro XS, DON"T RIDE DIRTY- FLUSH THAT ENGINE!!

Forced to replace water pump on a Mercury Pro XS, DON"T RIDE DIRTY- FLUSH THAT ENGINE!!

DIY, Remove lower unit on Mercury Pro XS, water pump maintenance.
Bass boat maintenance, Mercury lower unit removal



1504badger says:

Great Video, Love the verbage on your T- Shirt. I noticed you had some paint peeling on the lower unit. Is that from blow back? Is that covered under Mercury warranty.

BigGuy86ed says:

Hit the three clean out ports on the Pro xs regularly the one on the bottom is rough…

Jackie Copeland says:

Wish you would have shown more on the propeller installation. Clockwise or not with turn. Very important information you left out.

Robert Scott Britton says:

Your video was nicely done. Very straight forward!

G - man says:

I was surprised you didn’t comment and show us the wear on the old impeller the reason you were changing it out but good video anyways thanks

Sean Francis says:

Good Job, thanks for sharing

Scott Ballesteros says:

Great to see you and your wife working as a team. Thanks for the video

dnahulvey says:

That impeller did not look damaged at all?

Scott Carlisle says:

Awesome thanks great video!

Arkadiusz Nowak says:

Hello. What is the difference between the Mercury 115 PRO XS with a black bottom and a silver bottom?

TideOneOn says:

Hey man I have the same motor on my boat boat, are you constantly replacing prop bore sleeves or have you found a fix for that?

Joe says:

Did you have to rotate the impeller when you put it in the impeller housing?

colin selvig says:

Very informative video. Will motor go into gear if it's a dts system by just using throttle control like you did?

Matty G says:

Great job, really informative. That's a man's motor by God! Tight lines sir.

Michael Pryor says:

when tightening up that impeller housing did you pinch the impeller? if you dont turn the drive shaft a bit before you completely tighten it up you will pinch the impeller … turn that shaft a bit the finish tightening …..

Jimmy Collette says:

Wish I were mechanically inclined like you. It would save me some money. Great job but for me I'm more comfortable with the dealership doing my boat motor repair. I'm sorta like Joe Biden. Everything I try to do some how turns out wrong.

Markert Outdoors says:

Pretty wild, I know a guy who bought a new z19 and his paint started peeling on his lower unit as well.

Weston Sherrill says:

How many hours did you have on the motor?

Fernando Rios says:

Wow. Motor looks new. Impeller already bad.
BTW great informative video.

Sea Man says:

Nice work and vid !

R J says:

Great information really appreciate it thanks

Tom Coker says:

I have changed mine when it would not pee, only to find the impeller was fine, just a stopped up tube from the fuel pump to the outlet hole

Ryan Skare says:

Just to clarify. That port or around these parts the pee hole, is actually the water that circulates through the fuel pump and charging system. The majority of the engine cooling water dumps from the exhaust. While it could indicate a bad impeller if there is no water from there it may also indicate a blockage somewhere else.

Eddie Romager says:

When you added the Talons did you cut of the trailer strap rings on the transom and fill with silicone or cut out the fiberglass around the nuts on the inside?

Kjetil Nymoen says:

Nice video. You do not have a pitot tubing on that motor ? Can not see that you unplug the pitot tube. I do have a brand new Pro XS 115 and do have problems with my speedo, so I am looking at videos for tips 🙂

Rodney Snead says:

Great video thanks for sharing, I just got the same motor yesterday!!

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