EATC Repair for Ford and Mercury Electronic Automatic Temperature Control

EATC Repair  for Ford and Mercury Electronic Automatic Temperature Control

Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln electronic automatic temperature control repair. If you are having air coming out of the wrong vents. It is a possibility that it …



jose javier guzman says:

thank you so much , fixed my marauders ac vent problem, you saved me a whole lotta money lol

Rich Rodgers says:

Michelle, Thank you! I am glad it was helpful…

Michelle Maggard says:

I want to thank you so much for posting this video !! I am a mechanically inclined do it yourself kind of guy. Spent the whole day tracking vacuum lines with no luck on my mercury grand marquis to trace the problem to the EATC. Found this problem to be very expensive to repair and people charging 60 to 100$ to fix it. Knowing if someone can fix it i could myself but just couldn’t get any info from anywhere as what repairs to do until i came across your video.GOOD AS NEW THANK YOU !!

mruofacat says:

trying again.  The little silver cylinders that go in the tubes before the springs. Are they supposed to be hole first or black plug first?

Rich Rodgers says:

I am sorry it didn’t work Mruofacat?

mruofacat says:

Just completed the repair and it did not fix the issue. Oh well.

mruofacat says:

I am currently doing this repair for my 2002 F150. I had to remove ten small screws and lift the vacuum assy off the brackets in order to remove the little tubes. These little tubes have a brown substance at the tab end. Does anyone know if this serves an important purpose as it has scraped off two of the tubes.
My local )Scottsdale) Ford dealer wanted $1300 to replace the EATC.

dankoch2010 says:

I just did this on my 2003 Crown Victoria. It works now!!! Thanks for the video.

Bill Harris says:

I have the same unit in my F150, decided to give this a try and the entire job from removal from the truck to completion took about 1hour. Thanks Rich you have saved many of us quite a few bucks.

Rich Rodgers says:

Kris, not sure if it is the same system or not??

krismartinrn says:

I have a 2006 ford Freestyle doing the same thing wonder if it is the same thing.

Rich Rodgers says:

Gerald, I am glad it worked for you!

Gerald Lovell says:

oh yea i did this to a 03 mercury marauder !! thanks so much rich !!!!!

Gerald Lovell says:

thanks rich , i did what u said and it working fine , thanks again for people like u that make it easy for other and help save money , thanks again rich

Dr. Daniel Erthal says:

thanks for posting, going to try tomorrow

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