How to repair Mercedes Benz stuck shifter, replace shifter lever instruction.

How to repair Mercedes Benz stuck shifter, replace shifter lever instruction.

Step by step guidelines to remove and replace the shifter selector in your automatic Mercedes Benz. Stuck shifter? You may have a broken shifter lever. This …



Tom A says:

in the cylinder. 2 the key is turned to position 2 with the warning lights lit 3 the brake pedal has to be pushed. in order to unlock the solenoid the DAS [ driver authorization system] has to communicate by the can bus system [can B & can C] . the signal from the brake pedal has to be transmitted to the shift module. there is also communication between engine control module and the front right SAM  [signal acquisition module] so these are the steps to unlock the lever

Tom A says:

Some of the newer mercedes have no steering wheel lock mechanism so the transmission lock is the main physical locking device to immobilize the parked vehicle. Some transmission locking failures are due to the plastic lever operated by the unlocking solenoid in the [electronic selector lever module] or gear shift The other issue is the conditions necessary to unlock the shifter. 1 the key has to be recognized in the electronic ignition switch. this will allow the key to turn in the cylinder

geamnegru says:

but how can the shifter remain stuck????is it not dangerous??someone can call you in the middle of the night to run somewhere very fast and the shifter can be stuck???it is a dangerous car if this is true

Matthew Duron says:

If it goes back in park the small bracket inside the module still needs to be replaced so I would assume you shouldnt put it in park until you fix the module. Its not suggested to use this method for daily driving, not that it could make a terrible difference, but to be on the safe side you shouldn’t.

EonziShowcase says:

What happens if after you hit it with the hammer to unlock it you place it back in park ?

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