how to run new speaker wire in a mazda 3 door

how to run new speaker wire in a mazda 3 door

please like this video 🙂 Facebook: Twitter: a person asked me how to do this so i did a …



Kurt Rae October says:


Can you please tell me what is the original speaker specifications? i would
like to replace my door speakers but do not know what size they are. i Know
with the 2007 models they are 5×7. but i have a 2012 model.

MNM SHOW says:

ay brothaa…Do you know if on a 2010 mazda3 the speakers in the front
doors and rear doors are all the same size??? and if they are… what are
the specs for the speakers???? thanks alot man

Simon Zhao says:

Why not just use factory wire?

ghostlyrich says:

i work for futureshop as well lol $199 for 100sq ft of fatmat rattle trap
thick and soooooooo sticky!

zero0ne13 says:

I looked at the front molex last night and found a spot big enough to even
feed 8g in if ever needed. Its a pain in the ass to get it apart but so
worth it in the long run. 😉

ghostlyrich says:

glad it worked out for yea bud

ghostlyrich says:

nope russ from my store was

008edp says:

Thanks! how do you like rattle trap?

zero0ne13 says:

Can’t wait to see the finished product. 😉

Mark Luhan says:

Wow…that looks like a lot of work!

zero0ne13 says:

Why not just drill out a small hole in the molex (plug)? That’s the best
way. Unplug it, drill hole and fee d the wire in and through the boot with
a fishing rod (cut tip off and all the eyelets so you have a hollow tude to
feed it. By cutting into the boots you risk water damage and also thebwires
chafe much easier. I may not agree with the method you have shown…
however you got some pretty good write ups and some have really helped.
Keep up the good work.

ghostlyrich says:

great! its really sticky and easy to roll on

zero0ne13 says:

Were you at the last asw for mobile this year. So much fun.

ghostlyrich says:

trust me that idea crossed my mind but my plug is fully wired and the 12
gauge i ran into the door had a really thick jacked so i had know way of
doing it safetly with out damaging other wires. thanks for the compliments
bud cheers

zero0ne13 says:

Also in the future… check out damplifier by secondskin. $270 for 80 sqft
and works like a dream. I work at futureshop and can get dynamat at a good
price but its still cheaper for me to go this route and its just as good if
not better. Happy building bro. If you have any questions just pm me and
I’ll add you to facebook.

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