How to Replace Mazda 3 Rear Shocks in Under 5 Minutes

How to Replace Mazda 3 Rear Shocks in Under 5 Minutes

How to Replace Mazda 3 Rear Shocks in Under 5 Minutes. For a 2012 Mazda 3 i 2.0 VIN: G. At 98,000 miles, the shocks were a bit rusted and worn, so I replaced them.

17 mm Lower Shock Bolt: 59-77 ft-lb (Shop Manual)
13 mm Shock Lock Nut: 20 ft-lb (Not in manual, this was what I used, not sure what the true value is. Must be well-seated for functionality, but it is small so do not want to over-torque)
12 mm Shock Upper Mount Nuts: 17-20 ft-lb (Shop Manual)

Biggest lessons I learned on this job were:
1) have a ratcheting 13mm for the lock nut if possible
2) use a table vise to anti-rotate the shock when removing/tightening the 13mm, and
3) if possible, just use an impact for loosening suspension hardware, provided the hardware isn’t too rusted to the point of cracking. There are so many threads that take a while, and for the lock nut, the impact would do the job arguably without a vise.

Some *not all* indicators of wear; mileage may not be the best factor (Mazda said I should replace these at 50,000 but they were fine then):
-Bottoming out, bouncy, or floating feeling going over bumps. The spring/mass/damper tuning of the shocks should ideally be critically damped, that is not continue bouncing after a bump.
-Damage to strut
My shocks weren’t completely toasted; different times work for different people.

Amazon Affiliate Links:


MONROE 5683 Rear Shock


12 mm deep socket (Shock upper mount nuts)
13 mm box (Shock Lock Nut, Ratcheting)
17 mm socket (Lower shock bolt)
21 mm socket (Lug nuts and crankshaft)
Pliers (To anti-rotate Lock Nut)
Torque Wrench
6″ Socket Wrench
Jack Stands
Cross (Tire Iron)
Breaker Bar
Vise Grip

Due to factors beyond the control of Oliver Porter, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Oliver Porter assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. I recommend safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Oliver Porter, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Oliver Porter.



Darrell Tallman says:

Why bother saying to torque it and not give any kinda mention of around what it should be torqued too?

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