2013-2016 Mazda CX-5 center console latch replacement DIY for under 10$

2013-2016 Mazda CX-5 center console latch replacement DIY for under 10$

hope this helps out anyone looking to replace this little bugger. have a great day!



Nancy Pauliukonis says:

I agree with those who said to push on the pointed end of the pin on the right, and it will very easily slide to the left. Grab the end of the pin with needle nose pliers, and pay attention to how the tension spring is oriented so that you can reinstall it properly. It was very easy to install the new latch; saved this 68 year-old grandma the $70 that the dealer was going to charge to install it. Thanks for your video!

Aurimas Misius says:

Thanks, your video inspired me to do it myself, saved me like 70euros compared to dealer price they offered for replacing the latch

Abbey Rawlings says:

Thank you for posting this! Helped me a ton!

Brooklynn Courtney says:

I have worked on getting this pin out for 3 days any suggestions other then pushing from left to right? Hanging with hammer and nail. Nothing is working

Patrick D says:

Thank you! Latch broke yesterday. Bought OEM replacement latch today for 18€ from the dealer. Not cheap, but immediately available. Encouraged by your video, I just replaced the latch – super easy, 10mins job.

Rob Mata says:

you had everything correct until the bopping of the pin — you actually want to go the opposite away — right to left — so bop on the pointy side, not the flat side. Once you have a bit out, you can grap/pull with needle-nose pliers, and twist until pin releases. I used a hollow hex key tip attached to screwdriver and a 3lb mallet. A few bumps and enough came right out to ply it out.

The direction you demonstrated may/will destroy the pathway for the pin.

Jim Johnson says:

Thank you. I've been procrastinating on this for 4 months and it is nice to see how easy it is to fix.

Recaf.Decaf says:

Thanks for the tutorial very useful.

DomFTW says:

Watched this video before the part arrived and sorted within 2 minutes! Thanks buddy!

Christian Drury says:

Thank you for making this video! I was so sad when the latch broke on my 2016 mazda cx5. Now it works!!!

Tony Moore says:

Excellent, thank you. Mind you, popping the pin out was a lot harder than I expected.

Tim the Enchanter says:

just bought my first (2016)cx5 yesterday and this is the first thing that happens. thank for making this video! glad it's not a difficult fix

Ed VanPelt says:

This took me five minutes to complete with the help of your video. Thanks!

Lynn Wiles says:

Great video! It took Amazon 2 days to get me the part, and then it took me 10 minutes to replace it. I can’t imagine what the dealer would have charged!

Judd Farrell says:

Be sure to pull the pin out the opposite way this guy says to! Will save you 20 minutes!

Chev Meek says:

Please don’t be like me and spend almost 15 minutes trying to remove that dam pin. Push the pin from the left side it will come out so much easier and faster. The right side of the pin have ridges like a nail and will damage the plastic while you are trying to get it out. So push left to right.

CapnMuff says:

Thanks for the info. Leave it to Mazda to make good cars and then shit the bed on such a simple thing.

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