2000 Mazda Protege wheel arch rust repair Fab up new panels

2000 Mazda Protege wheel arch rust repair  Fab up new panels

Rust Rust Rust. well cut it out and replace it. We show a shrinker / stretcher to form a new wheel arch.



Adam Kniffin says:

I’ll get right on that. Or I may just cough up the dough for the HF stand

iceman22st says:

I just bought the same shrinker stretcher from HF when I was returning home
from the Garage Gang Extravaganza in Florida

Yaheuben66 says:

Great patchwork, Adam– I love watching patchwork…

gregmporter says:

Shrink/Stretch is an awesome tool. I predict you’ll want one with an 8″
throat very soon!

Adam Kniffin says:

I watched some vids before going and trying it out and watched Lazze’s vid
with the deep throat setup YES I want one 😛 anything that allows me to
make more complex panels I am up for. There is something very cathartic
about making panels from flat steel.

Adam Kniffin says:

thanks Reuben. That stretcher/ shrinker made it possible. It is completely
about gadgets and tools that allow us to make more and more complex parts.

matthewa78 says:

like the new opening!

mtngoat58 says:

gots to get me one –yep gonna have to make a stand with a foot pedle
–hurry so i can see how you figure that out —lmao!

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