yoga karandavasana arm balance lotus crow on forearms – shana meyerson YOGAthletica

yoga karandavasana arm balance lotus crow on forearms – shana meyerson YOGAthletica in this video, shana meyerson of YOGAthletica in los angeles, california teaches you how to do karandavasana. what’s that, you sa…



Alexa Dacre says:

I don’t have pincha yet–still working on handstand!!–but that baby crow
thing is a thing I can do! I love how you break these down into baby steps
so I feel like I am at least working towards these poses. I love your

D Braze says:

Momma another amazing classic workout!!…Could u do more leg
workouts??…Love how sexy they are and of course must say beautiful feet

shana meyerson says:

a pretty obscure pose by very popular demand…

D Braze says:

U look amazing love the Yoga outfit beautiful Goddess!!…Can u do the
Child pose from Differant angles..One of my fav pose

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