Superior Death Lotus & Pernix Comparisons

Superior Death Lotus & Pernix Comparisons

An attempt at showing the stat differences between Superior Death Lotus and other level 85 armour items, and Pernix 🙂 Apologies if it’s a bit all over the show and I blabber on a bit. Hopefully…



IxShadowBladexI Signed In says:

Using tracks and glaivs throws out the calculation a little.

James Sav says:

what about in legacy

Richard Ligotino says:

is pernix any good buying at 67m for the body i had to pay that on the ge,
i think it is cause there is a new level 90 range weapon coming out next
week that’s why

Nexcellent says:

No problem man thanks anyway 😀 keep the good vids up

SlashingSalamence says:

turmoil vs overload? ps nice vid

The new kid says:

For pvp which set is better to use.

DukesOfRS says:

Sorry for the slow reply! Ummm I’m going to have to say the Pernix. The
defence is still really good and also has the damage bonus which is always
great in PvP situations. -Josh

KlusterPhuk says:

Well than don’t lean on the microphone button

Richard Ligotino says:

okay thank you <3

DukesOfRS says:

Hey mate, sorry for slow reply, been crazy busy. Ah I have no idea sorry! I
don’t actually own one myself, but I can’t imagine they would have? I think
I heard of the QBD being buffed, as well as the GWD bosses, so I’m thinking
that the Royal CBow hasn’t been nerfed, but is a case of higher NPC
defence? Just an idea though 🙂 -Josh

DukesOfRS says:

If you aren’t the level to get Death Lotus through ports, then yea it’s
good to get. Right now it’s more expensive cause of the Range Dungeon (like
you said), so if you’re going to get it, I’m sure it’ll eventually go back
to where it was a few weeks ago. -Josh

MadBawls Gaming says:

Do not compare armour with other items like boots, gloves, and necklace.
Reason is I can use the same stuff for the death lotus. Like I can wear the
same pernix boots with death lotus and increase my prayer and things.

Nexcellent says:

Nice video 🙂 would you know whether Royal Crossbows have been nerfed or

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