Stop Mind control + Pineal Gland Cleanes , Healing , Repair , Activation + DNA RNA Healing , Repair

Stop Mind control + Pineal Gland Cleanes , Healing , Repair , Activation + DNA RNA Healing , Repair

Visit me @ The Rife Frequency and Vibrational Healing on…



Мышонак Ъ says:

я тут кое-что попробовал
прослушивание этой штуки действительно лечит
надо пить зеленый чай с сахаром и воду
из носа может пойдёт кровь – эта кровь “загрязненная”
может захотеться спать
гемоглобины умеют как-то привязываться к токсинам и выводить кровью и
соплями из носа
при этом стоит кушать всё что как-то связано с антиоксидантами: рыбий жир,
оомега-3, витамин Ц, киви, банан, лук, гранат, лимон, вино, тёмный шоколад

A Price says:

I hear helicopters flying overhead…maybe “they” don’t like that I’ve
found this….HAHA…too bad.

uptonogood williams says:

I have a candle burning and its reacting to the frequency of the sound i
have no fan or any thing that producing wind my body feels cold i feel sum
changes taking place 

da_gr8est says:

I also woke up thinking in jest that in should purify myself in the water
of whatever that phrase is that Prince says…then decided to head to the
spa at my gym. After reading above that is exactly what I should
do…detox. I don’t have any Epson salt at the moment but will buy some on
the way home from work. Heading to the spa…great stuff.

Aleece Marks says:

Nearly finished it but my phone died..can I download this somewhere?

Tysha Hill says:

I had a Catscan and MRI a couple years ago and they found a cyst/lesion on
my panieal gland. Because of this, should I not listen to this? 

farah humyra says:

hey guys, I’m 17 and I don’t what’s this video about, i’m really curious.
Can anybody explain to me?

Josh Glancy says:

I made it through the entire video and I don’t feel a thing.

Am I a lost cause?

goldieyesgods says:

This puts me in a deep relaxed sleep but my dreams becomes weird. 

TheUniversesMessenger I says:

We are all creators of our reality ! Live through the heart happiness &
love are the key to the real goal ! 

Doriane . says:

Awesome meditation, thank you!! <3

Jessi Branch says:

This is something that has to be done regularly to counter some of the
phenomenon that’s been going on globally. Upright and diligent publicans
need this to combat administrative unfriendly competitors. Legislation need
to continue to uphold human rights, and the right to exercise
responsibilities. It may be that clandestine efforts sometimes come from
within caused by a high acidic levels in the body causing inflamation.
Technology can never be allowed to run over what we value most in life, all
of our communities. Get in the practice to unplug your stereo, countertop
appliances. Get a smartphone privacy sleeve, and a technology scanner for
your home. Get an old fashioned clock for the wall when it comes to needing
the time off digital dependence.
Unplug, unplug, Unplug!

Sami Nozawa says:


Sajid Ali says:

Dont try of listening it..

anna d says:

I have been play this for my baby which is still in utero for about 3 weeks
now, he was in mild distress and my midwife told me to play some music for
him it may help, from which I stumbled on to this. honestly I can tell u
guys that it’s making something happen he is very still while it’s playing
but as soon as it stops he is all over the place. My doctor and midwife
have notice that his heart rate has risen back to normal levels, thank god
n his stress levels are low. cant say what will happen when he comes out
but so far he seems to enjoy it a lot.

Tracey Griffin says:

How do people mind control and why (insightfully) do they do it what is
their boring trip????

da_gr8est says:

I definitely experienced something when listening to these vibrations. We
truly are vibrational energetic beings. I awoke feeling refreshed and
while listening the pain in my knee subsided and the muslcles in my
recently injured knee were pulsing. Also other areas of my body began
pulsing…possibly healing. Anyone in doubt…don’t doubt…we are so much
more than “they” want us to believe.

Alea surfer says:

what is the faint VOICE in the background? subliminal stuff? huh? and the
crackling sounds? ugh. sounds like insects.

George Frumusanu says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

brianbeat5 says:

Turn these beats up to 11? Most pineal gland opening sound frequencies go
up to 10, but what if you could turn it up to 11? That would be powerful

Eva Prince says:

do you have any suggestions to neutralize being a target of directed
microwave energy?

max wheeler says:

If you can not feel relaxed in any way by this sound,you need a lot of
work! when I meditate I turn on a small fan and that sound puts me in a
deep state in a few minutes,dont be so negitive put a little time and work
into meditation,and you will not be sorry,there is no need for any type of
drug when you get into this type of practice..

Alexandru Diaconu says:

I went through it all. Hope to fell some slight changes soon

lightenengy says:

Great video,thank you 

farah humyra says:

thanks for explaining this to me!

Ray J says:

I don’t know what this is but after I listened to it for about maybe 15
minutes I started seeing myself becoming bored with it and wanting to stop
it and then thinking thats the point, to fight that feeling, thats the ego
controlling. But also after I ended up stopping it, I felt a lot of
pressure in my head, like a rush of it. Almost like a wave, how comes in
big and releases back into the ocean. Very interesting. 

Sylvia Fennick says:

härligt !!!!

Jorge Luis says:

My fellow third eye openers we must spread this like wild fire we are our
own saviors let us help others reconnect with there souls by breaking the
the hard wall they have confront us with

Prairie G says:

Hello Zakaos, are headphones required with your video?

James Tulk says:

Tell me more about Masonic mind control? How does it work?

Michael Cisneros says:

this made me very tired

derkselekta says:

waaoo encontré en lo mas profundo de mi cerebro el por que de algunos
miedos …. puedo escuchar como se disuelve el falso dna que implanto el

Sandalphon9 says:

This is a good one! 

beatris iversen says:

I loved it and have listened to many of those types but needed that one
since my neck is always stiff. I think one of my chakras is blocked but
this helped immediately. I have found that I tend to experience better
effects and healing if listen to this on a daily basis, call it my
spiritual meds but it is working for me. My mind is very clear and my
awareness have increased a lot. I used to take headache tablets, but this
resolved my problem and thanks. 

Edvard Dahlström says:

Is there any difference to listen with headphones or loudspeaker? Does the
whole body register the frequency with headphones?

BluRey BluRey says:


Sandy H says:

Thanks for sharing ! :)

Slippy Roberto says:

This is great! I’m already feeling the positive effects. Something that I
can’T even explain. But I can feel it working!!! AWESOME!

capttovgmc1500 says:

What is the best way to listen to this? In a meditation position? Laying

aburningpromise says:

This is very annoying…shut it off!

shantasia sabedra says:

Do your research about money creation in a fractional reserve bank. Let
your mind open to reality first before you start to question other things.
Your energies are being blocked by how you were already conditioned in the
first place. If you truly understood in details what videos like this was
for.. you would know you can’t rely on anything to help you if you don’t
want to help yourself first. We’re trying to give you back your brain but
in order for that to happen you must get off your lazy ass and do your
research. Start with the video Zeitgiest 2 Addendum (youtube vid) It
explains the first step of the matrix you live in that the fractional
reserve bank created that scammed the entire world. The true laws they hide
not wanting it exposed as people will wake up to see it. Toxins in the
water stop your pinael gland from experiencing happiness.. it makes you
stupid.. it’s toxins in the water and in the food that helps keep you under
control and not wake up to the reality of the money..banks.. razor sharp
deception of their black magical deception tongue.. We want you smarter..
we know the science that makes it happen as this video is apart of it. True
human history most don’t know about or where we truly came from.. most
people won’t believe it but it’s the truth.. we have evidence. It’s leaking
out. The first step is to prepare people to wake up for the Economic
collapse.. love eachother when all the lights go out and the mass killing
begins for survival.. We have to love eachother and stand against what made
us against one another. We have to rebel and take back the earth from these
psychotic asshole who don’t have the same heart as we do… (that’s all I
can say) Do your research and cleanse your body. Be smart.. I love you <3 

ev Pocket says:

2 questions 1: This is very loud with headphones plugged into my laptop,
still useful if I turn down the volume to like 5%? Even then, it is still
pretty loud.
2: Left/Right ears. Does it matter? And if I’m in my audio controls L means
left ear (right speaker) R means left ear (left speaker from computers
perspective toward me). So do I put what is coming from the right side if
facing speakers in my left ear or right ear?

KyLesCaster says:

the only way these beats would work is if the beats were playing through a
loud set of speakers that produce energy waves through sound. headphones
are too weak to produce energy waves to stimulate our pineal glands

Maria Arvanitidis says:

Wow thank you this is the one I think for noise pollution
I have been also looking around to find some form of sound that I can
to help form a shield to block it out permanently

thnx :)

Jeremy Noneofurbizz says:

You need to let ppl know that your video is just sound. Can’t tell you how
much time ppl waste clicking videos like this

babywages09 says:

Is it normal to feel tingles and chills up my back as well as feel
extremely cold while listening to this?

24starchild says:

Interestingly, it was the last five minutes which were the most
challenging, after having sat through it for an hour and ten minutes! 

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