Revolutionizing banking by putting customers first: Metro Bank with Microsoft Dynamics Case Study

Revolutionizing banking by putting customers first: Metro Bank with Microsoft Dynamics Case Study

“We talk about revolutionizing banking. We talk about creating fans, not customers. For us, the investment in Dynamics was all about bringing that promise to…



nzCRMguy says:

▶ Revolutionizing banking by putting customers first Metro Bank with
Microsoft Dynamics Case Study #CRM2013 #MSdynCRM

Microsoft Dynamics AX Vídeos says:

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TeamIntergen says:

How Metro Bank uses the Microsoft stack, including Dynamics CRM,
SharePoint, Lync and Windows 8 to engage customers 

Microsoft Dynamics says:

“We talk about revolutionizing banking. We talk about creating fans, not
customers. For us, the investment in Dynamics was all about bringing that
promise to life.” Paul Marriott-Clarke, Commercial Director, Metro
Bank. Learn more about how Metro Bank and Microsoft Dynamics deliver great
customer experiences at

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