Lotus Notes 8.5 – Windows XP Installation

Lotus Notes 8.5 – Windows XP Installation

Visit my blog – http://www.socialbizguy.com Visit the Social Business Guy on Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/TheSocialBusinessGuy/ This video shows how to…



ej Preejes George says:

its very needfull for me

mysteriecat555 says:

Thanks for posting, but take out the piano, I can’t say I’ve ever been so annoyed with a video.

diantonovich says:

shut up dude im trying to listen to this music. what the hell is lotus notes anyway?

poetic1743 says:

The piano is too loud why would you put a piano in your tutorial anyway maybe for an intro but for the whole tutorial.

sbentjies says:

This would be wonderful except for the bloody piano!! I can’t hear you over the piano. If I wanted music, I’d look for music.

Tom Rune Berg says:

Nice vid. Maybe adjust down music volume a bit 😉
Would you give an InstallShield Tuner vid?

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