LG Lotus (Sprint) – Review Pt 1

LG Lotus (Sprint) – Review Pt 1

Part 1 of Noah’s full review of the LG Lotus QWERTY clamshell for Sprint. PhoneDog TV is coming! Details @ http://www.phonedog.com/tv.



宝くじ当選しました 当選金お譲り致します says:


xblackveil77 says:

That phone is cute.

五百萬 差し上げます says:

【http://bb99.info】皆様にご相談があります…どなたかお金にお困りの方おりませんか?私は自分のお金の使い道に困っております。自分の諸事情なのですが…どなたか5,000,000円受け取って下さる方いらっしゃいませんか?どなたにでもお譲り致します。条件等は一切ございません。いきなりこんな所に書き込んでしまって失礼を承知の上ですが、どなたかに受け取って頂きたく思っております。受け取って頂けるという方は、こちらから【http://bb99.info】か又はyoutube内で『 いほえ 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第最短30分程でお受け取りいただけます。急な話で信じられないかもしれませんが、人生の転機は急に訪れるものです。お困りの方はご連絡の方お待ちしております。準備は出来ていますので本日中にでもお渡しできます。

Derek Holcomb says:

ridiculously stupid intro. I can’t stand noah

Andrew Veale says:

Noah was such a homo…

Konata Izumi says:

why are you dressing like Steve Jobs?

iRapeCupcake1 says:

Mine doesn’t work anymore. it keeps restarting for some reason. i have no idea what to do… D:

bowpowbee says:

i agree the begining was really unnecessary!

bowpowbee says:

i agree the beginig was really unnecessary!

cellphonefreak18 says:

This phone is awesome! I had to upgrade but sprint said i can go back to it when my contracts done<3 Texting was amazing and my phone calls were wicked

Ashleyrocks2150 says:

heyyyy…i used to have this phone…..it was gay

ArjanTheGunslinger says:

is this a lx600

Austin Holian VI says:

best video ever

Jacob Kisner says:

You can get the one click feature to go away… ##3282# then scroll down to XUI, then change the theme 🙂 (you’ll need the MSL code, just call sprint and ask for it)

shawn benfield says:

Hows the internet on the phone?

Armond Fuzee says:

dude i realy thaught you were gay at that moment

orcguanaco says:

hahaha youre right thats what i always thought hahaha youre loco!

jajeneoh! says:

The things that you cover in this review are pointless. Tell me how fast the web is not what the fonts look like.

Austin Waldrop says:

nice ass

judy466 says:

@tracken1 u probly dont hav multimedia meseging on ur contract

ChristopherFilm says:

I would say the Lotus Elite, but watch both reviews if your thinking of getting one to decide what you want.

411DESHAWN says:

the first 30 sec was gay

MitternachtBlutEngel says:

so for the first 30 seconds we stared at your ass cheeks.. how nice.

mrznickjonas0001 says:

does anybody know which is better..? This or the lotus elite?

Fruitcakes345 says:

I didn’t really expect a guy’s butt to be the first thing I saw in a phone review…
Lol good review though
I’m getting the Lotus Elite for my birthday!:D


I have this fone is sucks balls I’m soon to be a htc evo owner

galen1809 says:

ummm….wedgie much?

hthrvrgn says:

noah is hilarious. he always has a funny intro to his vids.

Sunny Lemming says:

I thought it was a cute start actually, not offensive at all.

Bradley Roberts says:

me too. I can’t wait for it. A chic at my school just got the purple one and I played around with it. (impressed) I am getting the red one on my 18th bday

deatho10o says:

O wait i get it now lol

gUrAcoX463 says:

i don’t need nerd tush in my phone videos

deatho10o says:

That’s a really small screen

deatho10o says:

Well played, sir!

Shrimpgoldfish says:

I really like how your videos dont have much artificial lighting, its really helpful viewing the phone’s real texture.

Hayley Tileston-Connolly says:

SCP SUCKS! i went to the sprint store today and the keboard is terrible. The rumor 2 is just like the regular rumor (which i had) and im getting the lotus

thehunterofArtemis says:

Do u have to have a data plan?

tacokiller101 says:

i got it right

marzipin says:

nice ass baby

Dar70 says:

DeMOo. I would probably say get the RUmor. The Lotus and Scp-2700 are the same phone. I also would suggest you get a seperate mp3 player. Using a cell as an mp3 just ends up sucking battery power. The Sansa Clip + is a great mp3 player. Inexpensive, better than apple and one of the best on the market. Look it up here on youtube.

brooklyn1004ever says:

ok well i had the lg lotus and i got it replace 5 times because was always freezing up on me so i went to the sprint store and they gave me the sanyo incognito so i think you should get the sanyo incognito don’t get the lg lotus you will have problem

DeMoNGiRl754 says:

Ok i have a quistion about this phone and 3 others 😮 do u know which phone is better? the
LG Lotus
ScP-2700 by sanyo
LG Lx 370
or the
LG Rumor2?

i love texting and takeing pics and lessioning to music so there are some hints to help u help me pick the better one .-. -that probly made no sence but what ev’s-

MJFanz411 says:

omg im having the same problem!

Moose Ondrums says:

is it a girls phone cuz i kinda like it but im not sure

maddylizzietwins says:

lg lotus purples good.

maddylizzietwins says:

its purple and purple is the best

maddylizzietwins says:

is this te rumour two?

TheDouchka says:

You can remove the Sprint carousel and put on the LG carousel instead. Much better!

12award12 says:

do noooooot get the rumor 2. i got it and im really not that impressed with it. they took away the camcorder feature from the rumor!:(

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