How to Install Raised Letters on a Lotus Elise\Exige

How to Install Raised Letters on a Lotus Elise\Exige

How to Install Raised Letters on a Lotus Elise\Exige.



KeleentProductions says:

these arent stickers they are raised

nate379 says:

I pulled all the stickers off mine, had I thought someone would want them I guess I could have saved them. $40 for those… WOW!

KeleentProductions says:

You are so right , lmao. I had to install them, and at the same time i had to go to a car show, but i couldn’t install them without making you guys a video.

Joe Dirt says:

I loved how you spent 3 minutes explaining why you made the vid and how you lost your train of thought on what you wanted to say as you probably were focusing on whether your letters were straight.

KeleentProductions says:

Thanks a lot 🙂

beto2424 says:

Looks great Klint! Thanks for another great vid!

DaYAKUZA says:

You spelled it wrong, JK!

MaverickTRD says:

It looks straight like my wanker. Good job! =]

cicatrez says:

I’m pretty sure the guy doesn’t own a celica anymore. Besides, why would you want to put that crap on a celica and ruin it?Are you 5? On lotus its fine as it works. But not on a celica.

KeleentProductions says:

The Celica doesn’t have letters. It has only one badge, which the letters are together.

bojidarcheto says:

is this the same for the toyota celica GT-S?

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