Fixing the Cross-Certificate Chaining Issue

Fixing the Cross-Certificate Chaining Issue


Lana Salberg-Schwickerath says:

Don’t worry about the CD command business. IGNORE EVERYTHING FROM 4:24 TO
ABOUT 5;50. It’s only if you want to install the software using anything
besides the default settings. Why in the hell DISA thinks that the average
user (using YouTube to figure this crap out) would have any need or skill
to do something more than the default installation is beyond me. The
video-makers are simply showing off. 

abuckeye26 says:

what a horrible video. What do you paste in after the cd command prompt. 

FreshSprints says:

What are you typing in the command prompt when you do the “cd” portion? I
couldn’t find what you were pasting in there in your video. 

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