034: How to install RBR Joux Plane Mod Track in Assetto Corsa Tutorial Guide

034: How to install RBR Joux Plane Mod Track in Assetto Corsa Tutorial Guide

The private channel for the elite of gamers! Kegetys newest build 1.4 Version, download here: http://junk.kegetys.fi/ac_joux_plane14.zip.



SharkGames707 says:


Marcus te Poel says:

Great video!!! But could you please be more specific about the temperature
next time. I think I overbaked my apple pie. ;(

norgedevil says:

Great track, but once you get of the track, you’re pretty much screwed and
you need to start from beggining :(

momashi69 says:

by far the funnest track I installed!!! thanks!! by the way, this type of
track is called point to point and MoDinG is AWESOME!!

James Price says:

Good video, but 4 minutes of crap until the tutorial…?

Falandorn says:

Amazing thanks for posting this you are a star! Feels awesome and can’t
wait for my DK2 for this!!!

Sim Race Driver says:

Dude..the intro was HILARIOUS! Keep the sense of humor, as it makes your
channel stand out!

Stephen Spenceley says:

This track shows the potential of assetto corsa beyond just circuits!
Thanks nice simple install!

michael williams says:

Cheers for the video I was wondering how it was done keep up the goodwork .

jazz21977 says:

10:18 seen that guardrail up close and personal a few times to many too LOL

jazz21977 says:

Hmmm apple pie!….. sorry got distracted by the intro… Thnx for the
Are there any other tracks that can be installed.. I’m really a fan of long
racetracks i.e. Nordschleife and Isle of Man.. And I would love to have
these in AC as well..
I know Joux Plane from the Race07 mod its awesome too.

Another question how do you already have Project cars in your steam

сергей петров says:

Try 64-Bit X Motor Racing. It’s awesome!

michael williams says:

Cheers for the video I was wondering how it was done keep up the goodwork .

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