Prison Break – Lincoln & Sofia – Fix You (Coldplay)

Prison Break – Lincoln & Sofia – Fix You (Coldplay)

Spoilers from Season 3*** Prison Break – Linc & Sofia Coldplay – Fix You.



CacaFM says:

Thank you. I use Sony Vegas. 😉

Inês Limpo says:

Season 3, episode 11 :`)

crazy4thesun says:

Awesome Video! They’re a cute couple, and i love the song you chose. How
did you get the clips?

VegettoISbetter says:

helloo there, this great, i loved it! I have a question though, how did you
cut the edges of the clips like that? And also what program did you use to
make this?

GoldenFlither15 says:

Great video. The effects are amazing. What’s the program you use?

Lexy Peters says:

quite fabulous. THEY ARE THE BEST PRISON BREAK COUPLE! i have a few
questions tho.. 1) where did you get the scenes from? and 2) how did u get
it soft around the edges? please help?

CacaFM says:

I love them too! And she is coming back. ;-D

CacaFM says:

Unfortunately, they don’t kiss. ;-(

CacaFM says:

Thank you! 😉

KirannaKual says:

i love linc and sofia!! is she coming back this season?

JulieWinchester says:

Thanks… It’s shame. But maybe in season 4 ! (Let’s hope)

Romione99 says:


manucost says:

Cacá, minha amiga querida, adorei esse vídeo! Ótima montagem, imagens
lindas e um fundo musical de profunda sensibilidade! Bjinhos!

CacaFM says:

Hey, I’m glad you like the video. I love linc & Sofia, they are great!!! I
will send a message to you. 😉

Borbo Leta says:

Miga, como te disse, vc tá ficando cada vez melhor… Tá virando uma movie
maker. 😉 Aaah, e o novo casal eu acho que vai vingar, sim. A Sofia tem
tudo pra crescer na temporada 4 em que um dos motes principais deverá ser o
resgate da Dra. Sara! Sofia tem tudo pra se tornar uma peça fundamental.

CacaFM says:

Thank you, I’m glad you like it! 😉

leobrat12 says:

Just finished watching s3 today- Linc and Sofia are *amazing*. Thanks for
this great vid!

Borbo Leta says:

Pois é, amiga… vc é meio assim que como uma defensora dos casais
“oprimidos” ;-)… Eu tb acho que o carinha vai se meter entre a Sofia e o
Linc e, por isso mesmo, a personagem dela tem tudo pra crescer na temporada
4… aliás, eles já deveriam estar pensando nisso quando tiveram que
‘matar’ a Sara que, graças a Deus, vai ‘ressucitar’! 😀 Bjs!

TweekzTube says:

what episode is this scene (1:17) from ? .. can not remember that one

CacaFM says:

Thank you, I’m glad you like it. 😉

vali59100 says:

“If he doesn’t take you, I will..” love that <3 and I love his face when he
gives her the eiffel tower

CacaFM says:

I use Sony Vegas 7.0! 😉

JulieWinchester says:

I’m jealous when I think that you, American people, will have next season
on August whereas we, French people, must wait until next year, at least…

kcct179 says:

I’ll try to fix you

CacaFM says:

Manuuuuuuu!!! Fico feliz por vc ter gostado, viu, obrigada!!! 😉

karstenkaczor says:

Prison Break – Lincoln & Sofia – Fix You (Coldplay) – Watch popular TVShows
at W W W . TV-Vide . NET

symphonia2008 says:

well-putted carla! pleasure to watch this! thk fr posting

SJBarra says:

Excellent vid!

lobnaosman says:

hey awsome video great job btw where did you get the clips?

CacaFM says:

Borboooo, bom te ver aqui, qto tempo, heheh. Não sei, não, sabe, mas acho q
o ex-namorado da Sofia ainda vai criar confusão e se meter entre os dois.
Eu amo MiSa(Michael e Sara) e quero fazer um vídeo deles tb, mas vc sabe q
adoro dar força para os “quase-casais”, q nem o Guy com a Marian,
rsrsrsrs… bjussss

itachisama487 says:

love this song. but i wannas ee this real vid. too.

JulieWinchester says:

I have a question too : do they kiss in this season ? Because I have to
wait 6 days before I see the two last episodes (I’m French, living in
France), and it’s too damn long !

CacaFM says:

Let’s hope! ;-D

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