Lincoln Hunts Vampires & Vita’s Pricey Ads- IGN Daily Fix 2.13.12

Lincoln Hunts Vampires & Vita’s Pricey Ads- IGN Daily Fix 2.13.12

Welcome to Monday ladies and gents! We are quite excited for all the PS Vita news and we hope you are too! Join host Naomi Kyle as we fix you up on all the h…



Shadow Gaming says:

I want your shirt, & you 😉

sheenuwithmaria says:

just came here to see Naomi on Valentines Day

Nino Brown says:

Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter? Did I see and hear that correctly? Is this
the final confirmation that Hollywood has gone batshit?

BradMeadows291189 says:

Naomi, I am the prince of a small country called Shanzia. My father wants
me to find and marry a woman very soon, so would you be interested? Please
reply love Primce Tuscan (if that doesn’t work, im a horny 16 year old from
England, wanna hook up?)

EpicAlexFTW says:

Lincoln please dont forget Edward Cullen.

DeVstatrOmga says:

NO ONE makes a COD piece EPIC enough to hold Master Chief’s NUTS.

carsten210195 says:

i thought that i was REALLY desperate for girls, then i saw a few of the

BossKillerMan says:

50 million $ on psvita adds … this shit sounds crazy for me If you want
to sell more vitas, just lower the price -___- u stupid sony

SiRWeeGeeX says:

Vita ads, Will never stop playing

SilentBox777 says:

Halo: Search for the missing cod piece. They’ll make millions!

bunnyhallow says:

$50M on marketing is not that big, I think MS spent $500M in marketing the

darts15951 says:

Can’t wait for the vita. Never owned a ps or psp but might get the vita.

DeathmilkSA says:

that cant be right…433 views 466 likes,26 dislikes

Assailant17 says:

Wtf so 343 has to change EVERYTHING about Halo?

jordan backo says:

thanks 343 for making Master Chief look like a dick. the old armorer was
fine and when did he change armorer in such a small time gape.

RidleySmash says:

When is the tekken 3d review going to be uploaded?

iluvdeideikun says:

@QwietStorm it was a book first

Fruitopia Rasberry says:

3 shots to the body and one to the penis should do !

Eloxiel says:

April 2011 – i will never ever never trust Sony again. Sony u can take that
vita and shove it up your ……

ryokoblake says:

@911timm Yea but look at 3ds there sales didnt really go up till they
lowered it from 250 to 170. i wouldnt have bought it or vita at 250 but 170
its not so bad.

Zenka The Myth says:

Well that’s another 50 mil sony can add to their losses.

Cameron Willis says:

Chad… howies and cole eating each others……

bryan samayoa says:

@Bigben028STL Lets see them take on an intergalactic threat, this guy
actually saves the WHOLE MUTHERFUCKING GALAXY, he even saves his enemies
from their own distruction, and he dont get stabbed with no knives or has
to resort to using a pistol, he just goes BALLS OUT and destroys Spaceships
and entire space startions like if theres no tomorrow because, as we all
know, If he didnt do it THERE WOULD BE NO TOMORROW. Greatest thing soap
did? choke a Guy Greatest thing MC did? save all sentient life

uhsiees says:

Seriously fuck your 30 second ads to watch 2 minutes of content shown 4
places in one day. peace.

alexkg1 says:

I saw the ME3 demo MONTHS ago when someone leaked it on Youtube for a day =)

RoadRunnerdn says:


highspeedheadbanger says:

@Bigben028STL dude soap or captain price or ghost fight soldiers,
masterchief fights fucking aliens!! he saved the galaxy 3 TIMES!!

mikey c says:

Did she say the fans noticed he was missing a little cock piece

Flermp says:

Why is she out of the kitchen?

Alexander Forbes says:

@s1arOfmars It’s not like I feel that way about everybody. And why would I
marry a person that had an annoying face? Before you insult someone you
might consider thinking through the insult first.

Joseph Carmona says:

Naomi, be my Valentine. 🙂

911timm says:

@BossKillerMan and do u know they r ALREADY selling it for a loss at 250

NightfallIV says:

I am going to write a respectable comment for Naomi.

slaindevil says:

@DeathmilkSA Thats youtube maths…

Johnny chavez says:


Khanh Nguyen says:

I want vita.

Brandon Drake says:

john f. kennedy hunts zombies in the whitehouse on blackops,i don’t see a
problem with that

whiteash4 says:

I agree to what ever you say Naomi <3

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