Lincoln /Alt Olivia – Fix you

Lincoln /Alt Olivia – Fix you

HD is your friend. Ok, this vid is about blue/amber Lincoln and red Olivia, just in case. I love Linham and I regret nothing. I love them so much that they m…



lastonthelist says:

Have I ever told you how perfect you are?? every fandom, we ship almost the
same ships always… and now even Linham???? LET ME LOVE YOU!!! Yes they
are BEAUTIFUL together!!! *feelings*

yotb0ka says:

glad to see you got your vidding mojo back. Cute vid, I like them too. Now
onto ours :P.

lastonthelist says:

*slow mo running towards* Oh God I love you too!!! I love you for liking
the vid but love you even more for loving Linham!! Let’s live in a
beautiful Linham bubble full of rainbows and bacon, where everyday is
Linham love and nothing hurts (unlike reality is hurting now for my Lincoln

obso99 says:

For me it is simple. I think they are better for eachother. I don’t know
how many people agree but my feeling is that… so I really don’t care. I
don’t care if it’s friendship or more. They are beautiful together, that’s
all that matters. I love your vid!!!! The coloring was beautiful. Great
job!!! LOVE IT!!!!

lastonthelist says:

OMG I love your reaction and comment!!! YES I SHIP THEM. HARD. Come here so
I can hug you because you ship my beautiful ship too!!!!! 😀

valamd says:

While I’m still not sold on them as a couple, you picked the PERFECT song.
It captured their losses AND budding relationship incredibly well!!

Paula FS says:

This is beautiful. The song is perfect and the way you matched the lyrics
with the scenes…I’m in awe (and also crying because of what my feelings
are doing). Like I said, beautiful.

lastonthelist says:

Oh Good! i’m glad i’m not the only one 🙂 Both relationships are just too
adorable. I’d just wish we could get more time to see more building for
Linham. Thank you!!!

lastonthelist says:

Right now the only thing inspiring me a little bit is Lincoln and Linham.
You have no idea the amount of projects I have started and are there..
can’t finish any… =/

Chasingxtheair says:

*runs over; slow motion effect and epic music playing in the background*
YES. Hugging. D’you have ANY idea how often I’ve watched your Linham vids?
I mean, watching the “All I ever wanted” thing is almost like a daily
ritual. I LOVE YOU. 🙂

Chasingxtheair says:

SO. I’ve been thinking long and hard about an appropriate reaction to this
vid… but all I’ve come up with is “GAAAAAH! YOU SHIP MY SHIP AND I LOVE

lastonthelist says:

Thank you!! 🙂

spinsterandlunatic02 says:

awww <3 this is great!! And I totally understand you, I adore both Linham
and Leeham 🙂 you're not alone here!

lastonthelist says:

Aww thank you so much!! That’s what Linham does to me… give me ALL the

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