2004 + Lincoln Navigator / Aviator Shifter is Stuck – Won’t move from Park or move

2004 + Lincoln Navigator / Aviator Shifter is Stuck – Won’t move from Park or move

Get the Full Video to Save you Time and Money Blog Page – http://www.erickirkhuff.com/2010/09/03/lincoln-navigator-and-aviator-shifter-fix-solution/ I never …



Eric Kirkhuff says:

Well, typically you find the spring in the area sometimes floating around.
It pops out because of the tiny set screw coming off. So basically your
putting it back together. I do not know if they sell the spring if you
cannot find it. I has to be a stiff one. I would try something like Harbor
Frieght or look on line for a company that sells an assortment of springs
cheap. e

eldodiaz says:

Eric, I’m not sure exactly what you are saying to do. Did you just replace
the spring to fix it or what?

inocencio reyes says:

My 03 navigator got stuck on park….I don’t know what to do…please help

clauscaceres says:

Thank You very much for your video, you are gonna save me $600

Mitoska1977 says:

Thanks so much for posting this. I was able to fix my shifter with out have
to replace the whole thing or pay the dealer for anything. One thing I was
not sure of since you already had it off when the video started is how to
get the top cover of the shifter off that gives you access to the spring
area, I got mine off but broke it in the process. Thanks again though

mj moore says:

I have an 05 aviator ..same assemble… my shifter button stopped working
so i took it apart and the “oval hook” that the pin behind the button is
attached to that u see in the video.. is broken.. it snapped in half.. can
someone tell me what the name of the part is and and how do i replace it..
its about 8 9in long and has a T at the bottom to keep from pulling out..
PLEASE RESPOND even if its jst the proper name.. thank you

Eric Kirkhuff says:

A local Lincoln dealer might sell it, I am not certain. If not, go online
and look for a specialty hardware sales. It is about the size of a old ball
point pen spring. Find one of those and try it but the spring is much
stiffer. That will give you the reference you need. You only need it to go
over the pin and fit up into the housing that will keep it in place. Hope
that helps

Eric Kirkhuff says:

Sometimes I get random calls from Canada and Mo, desperate to see if I can
talk them off the broken vehicle ledge. Sorry, that I cannot do much.

nickpierce77 says:

This was very helpful! Thanks alot. For me to get the top cover off I took
out a small white plastic clip that sits on the opposite side from the
button then took my thumbs on the shifter and pushed up on the plastic
piece and it came off with no breaks.

durrans200 says:

Hi Eric, Thanks for this great viodeo, I am from London and I have Lincoln
Navigator, had exactly same problem and went to the Mechanic and he asked
me £500 (about $800) for part and repair, as he told me whole mechanism
needs to be changed, I came home watched this video and bang on, I DID IT
MY SELF, without spending a single penny, Thanks a lot mate, you dont know
how much this is helpful for the people having this problem. You are Gem!

priceless630 says:

THANK YOU THANK YOU!! very nice of you to take the time to post this video.
It was very helpful.

TheDarkPhoenix23 says:

It was working fine, but was loose. They went to move my truck and the
salesman was messing with the knob and dislodged it. The service manager
(Ford no less) told him that in order to shift it, he had to pull “Up” on
the knob at the same time as depressing the button. They snapped the shaft
in half.

Eric Kirkhuff says:

@musictlc1 You know, I do not know, but it is a very very unusual one that
has a tapered head and is like 4mm long. I would order it from Lincoln. You
may want to look below and see if you can find the screw, you just may get
lucky. It is magnetic so it just might get picked up with a extension
magnetic wand.

TheDarkPhoenix23 says:

I have a 05 Aviator and the dealer ended up breaking mine. It was $1200
just for the replacement shifter. Glad I didn’t pay for it!

Eric Kirkhuff says:

I love it. I get feedback at least twice a month and I am glad this is
providing a service for others. E

ElKoMpItA2008 says:

Thanks for posting this video it saved me. Time and of course a couple
large bills…I performed tjis in ten mins after watching ur video a two
times.. I’m in cen cal…

Rajiv Ganesh says:

hi i accidentally lost my spring do u kno where can i buy a similar one

Eric Kirkhuff says:

@MrCHUCK5NORRIS Chuck, At the time, I had no input from anyone anywhere and
I looked at a number of top shifter bezels and there are many types. Mine
was actually lightly glued so, yes it was that or $1,500 with the dealer.
Please let me know if you have a better way to remove it so you do not
leave any marks on it.

Dave Lewis says:

I was installing an aux input in my 2004 Navigator and the shifter got
stuck on park. I came across your video and it totally saved the day. You
saved me a tow plus what ever they would have charged me at the dealer.
Thank you so much for posting this!

Eric Kirkhuff says:

I am so pleased to hear this and you saved yourselves hundreds of dollars.
I get reports like this allot. Great job.

Eric Kirkhuff says:

@seanbay37 Good call, you should list your phone number here. I am all for
helping others. Maybe you can post what city your in and what your range of
fees are.

Chris Howell says:

Hi Eric, thank you for the video. Using your video I was able to get my
navigator to shift out of drive. Unfortunately when I took everything apart
the plastic sleeve (or whatever its called) that the spring sits down
inside was totally broken. The lower part where the pin goes in still
functions so I can get my keys out by pulling up on the button on my
shifter. Am I forced to get the whole shifter assembly now that I have no
where to put the spring or can the plastic part just be replaced?

Eric Kirkhuff says:

@witoescobar call me if you want to 714 329-4860 I have about an hour.

fmosquera1 says:

Eric, just want to say THANK YOU… I really appreciate you taking the time
to share this video. I had the same exact problem.

ReshinX says:

Thanks a lot you saved me a lot of money. Great vid.

musictlc1 says:

what size screw?

Melissa Burns says:

Eric, thank you for the video. Our problem is that our shifter is stuck in
park and won’t move. My husband was able to remove the console underneath
the shifter & we now have to push the little white release button (sorry
don’t know tech. term) at the same time we move the shifter in order to get
it to move. Obviously, we want to find a more permanent solution. Do you
have any ideas or suggestions. Thanks, Melissa

Staccor says:

Thank you so much for posting this video! It saved us 400.00 dollars! I was
doing the samething as most, cleaning the leather boot and the shifter
popped up. We shared this video with the mechanic who had just quoted us
500.00 for the shifter knob and labor. We are so very thankful!




@EricKirkhuff haha i just thought it was a little funny that you said that

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