20 Facts About Abraham Lincoln (And His Family) – mental_floss on YouTube – List Show (308)

20 Facts About Abraham Lincoln (And His Family) – mental_floss on YouTube – List Show (308)

A weekly show where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, John looks at 20 facts about Abraham Lincoln. Special thanks to the Indiana State Museum and the…



juststeveschannel says:

You know what Lincoln never managed to do? Derive any income from
aquaculture. That’s right, Abraham Lincoln could never declare any fishing
boat proceeds.

The parallels are eerie.

GgShining says:

Puff levels are just slightly higher than usual… or maybe John just needs
a haircut

Evirthewarrior says:

I for one am glad he killed all those vampires and saved the United States.

Obey Hardly says:

This is better than any of those awful shows they spam on the History
Channel these days.

ReiAyanami8 says:

There are a handful of States these days that believe that some issues
should be left up to them and not the capitol. Apparently, in the days of
Lincoln, slavery was one those topics. Food for thought.

Tommy Crosby says:

He did save America from vampires right?

Edward Colcord says:

“Aside from that; how did you enjoy the play Mrs. Lincoln?”

holeygeorge says:

Okay so for one, Lincoln was a huge racist who abolished slavery for
political reasons and believed that it would be best to send back African
Americans since they were incapable of being smart enough to be a part of
the country.

And second, many slaves took the names of presidents and other “great” men
involuntarily as they were assigned those names…

Tiago Seiler says:

That ugly horseman joke must be the unfunniest joke ever told by mankind.

Andreas Quvang Jepsen says:

John for President!

XTr3m3b4sh says:

I know everything about this guy. I’ve watched Abraham Lincoln Vampire
Hunter !

Avery Byrd says:

I’m surprised you didn’t mention the research going into discovering if
Abraham Lincoln had a genetic disorder or not (I’m afraid I don’t recall
the name of it, but it makes you abnormally tall with limbs that can be
longer than your body) It hasn’t been proven yet, but if he had it, it
would have come from his mothers side of the family, as it appeared that
she may have it as well. That, or they could have just been abnormally
tall. Researchers of the disease are still working on figuring that bit

Ravenclaw1991 says:

This video reminded me of a play my class did way back in 4th grade. It was
about when Lincoln was assassinated (kind of morbid for kids I guess).. My
friend was playing Abraham Lincoln and when the person playing Booth “shot
her” she slipped off of her chair and hit the floor. She was quite… uh,
large.. so it was loud.

AnthroKnowledgey says:

I’m from Fort Wayne, Indiana and we had a huge Abraham Lincoln museum
downtown. It closed when I was a teenager, so disappointing. I bet many of
the artifacts went to the place John is sitting in this video.

likenem says:

Under Lincoln their was the largest hanging in history of U.S. Native
Americans were hung because the massacre in Minnesota that occurred where
over a 400 settlers were murdered. Compared to Confederates who had prison
camps where more soldiers died this was a pretty harsh punishment.

Lorad2499 says:

Actually, Lincoln died on the 15th, he was shot on the 14th

lacintag says:

What about how as a lawyer Lincoln defended a slave owner against a lawsuit
from a slave family?

Kennedy Boston says:

Why was Lincoln’s dream never mentioned?!

Daniel Allen says:

and he was probably gay…

Which is rather awesome 

xiluvOreox says:

Holy shit, are you the author John Green??? Like “Paper Towns” John green?

Cap't Jack says:

I feel like seeing a play.

Eric Morrison says:

Pro tip: Never use LED lights in a room full of yellow paper. ;)

Wraith Games says:

No mention of Abraham’s bisexuality and his sexual friendships with his
childhood friend Joshua Speed and bodyguard David Derickson?

wacka says:

hmm interesting, so if the US had not become independent, slavery would
have been abolished 50 years earlier… they would have eventually just
become part of the British commonwealth, like Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Jamaica, South Africa, Kenya, etc,
etc, etc…. and probably would have lower taxes now… fair enough…

adam borison says:

No mention of him being born on the exact same day as Charles Darwin?

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