Nigro’s Repair, Abandoned Haunted House, Lexus Broke Down, Chase Skunk And Fire In Brian’s Backyard!

Nigro’s Repair, Abandoned Haunted House, Lexus Broke Down, Chase Skunk And Fire In Brian’s Backyard!

TJ with his friend Larry leave some college party and Larry decides to throw a road block object at a street sign before they leave. Then they make their way…



Durrttyy says:

TJ you need to edit these down, or get an editor. 

Bobby Raybands says:

Where’s tony at now a days get him on video.

krusty1027 says:

Do you watch these vids and think, ” damn we were real assholes”

siKswYne94 says:

Dude that abandon house was sketchy as fuck. Is it still up?

Great video :)

Blake Miller says:

Nice video t!

cbfall says:

WOW!! Great video,TJ!!

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