Lexus LX470 Tail light replacement

Lexus LX470 Tail light replacement

A video showing you how to replace the taillight in a lexus lx470. Normal cost to take it to a shop is about $100. The cost of doing it your self is about $8…



Tony says:

Thanks for the info! But how do you replace the other brake lights (corner
rear lights?)

BeckyTison says:

Any idea how to replace the red tail light that is to the left of that? My
bulb actually fell out and I can see it through the red plastic sitting at
the bottom. Thanks for your efforts on this

D LOUIE says:

Helpful video, though i didn’t have to pop the whole light assembly out to
unscrew the lower light socket. Also, you didn’t include the procedure to
replace the other tail light bulb in the adjacent light assembly (two black
screws to remove, pop the light module out and replace the bulb). Over all,

s3sh00ter says:

he ripped the back of the carpet board by not backing out the clips if you
noticed….red clips still in tailgate….carpet backer with new ripped
holes… now he (and you) could have a loose carpet piece as a result. nice!

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