How to Replace a Fuel or Water Gauge in a Lexus SC400/300

How to Replace a Fuel or Water Gauge in a Lexus SC400/300

One of the most complex and scary pieces of car repair is to dig into to be the console. And with a Lexus SC you mess up on this one and you’ll be driving bl…




@TheRoadcarreview Do you know if this bulbs can work with an IS 300?

VNKing714 says:

I was doing some work on my cluster and for some reason most of the bulbs
blacked out. Do I need to calibrate it or does it sound like the bulbs
burnt out? I did the R109 resistor jump. I did a engine swap and was told
to do this but it didnt work for me. Would you happen to know what bulb
size, part # those bulbs are on the cluster? I’d like to get some LED
replacements on Ebay.

TheRoadcarreview says:

It was the neon, the gauge still worked I just could see it at night. Now
you can replace the neon. For me it was easier to replace the gauge.

KahnBB6 says:

THANK YOU! You weren’t kidding when you said you’d put up a tutorial for
this! I’ve been busy since posting on your other SC video tutorial and I’m
glad I checked your page. This will be my first project in January!

TheRoadcarreview says:

@fuckingsob Thanks for the information. I don’t believe I mentioned a
manufacture that did the process only that I thought it was blue. Here is
the website of LexTech. I’ve not used
these guys so do your homework first. Great information to know.

D D Cummings says:

I have a 92 Lexus SC400, can you please pull out one or two bulbs from the
instrument panel so I can see what they look like. I no you have said all
that’s needed is a twist and out it come, what does it look like after it’s
out. Thank You,

TheRoadcarreview says:

@alexisdabest1 Aren’t Corgie’s die-cast models?

TheRoadcarreview says:

Sorry, I no longer have the car, however the bulb itself fits in a jacket.
It kinda looks like a piece of rice. Some will have a bulb condom on them.
I may still have one that I could take a picture of and send you. Ill be
traveling for te next few weeks, but when I get back in town L’ll look to
see if I have one.

jason12001 says:

What was your reasoning for replacing the entire assembly? Was it no longer
tracking the fuel level? or was the needle just burned out?

fuckingsob says:

You said lextech doesn’t do red needles, but they do, FYI.

D D Cummings says:

I have a 92 SC400, my fule light is out can you tell me where I can buy one
other than the dealer. Also my whole dash is dark, can you tell me where I
can purchas those bulbs? Thanks

TheRoadcarreview says:

@VNKing714 There are three types of bulbs Green 83109-24040, Blue
83119-24570, Unknown 90099-53007. However once you have the unit out it
will provide greater direction. The colors reference the cap color..which
does not come with the bulb order. I replaced a few green ones..ordered
them even had the deal send a picture to verify everything. Guess what the
green one was smaller. I did take other bulbs and move them around and
found out it was the board. Check with LexTech dot com

TheRoadcarreview says:

The dealer is the only place I’ve got them from.

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