Land Rover Discovery 2 – Replacing dash bulbs with LED – how to

Land Rover Discovery 2 – Replacing dash bulbs with LED – how to

Today I replace the dash bulbs in my Land Rover Discovery 2 to nice blue LED ones. Now I can see how much fuel I have got ๐Ÿ™‚

#landrover #discovery2 #led



albert says:

Hi how can in ranger rover sport 2009 ?

Special Visual Effects VFX says:

Unfortunately, this solution is not applicable for owners of the D2 European version. The foil of the dials is colored green from the factory on the opposite side. If you use a bulb other than white, the resulting color will be ambiguous. How to solve it? ๐Ÿ™

Mark Siddall says:

Great explanation of how to remove the dash, Iโ€™ve got one light out to replace on there. Just did my temp control bulbs swapped to blue led also, looks good but now I need to get the clock and gearshift bulbs to blue also.. canโ€™t find any instruction on how to change gear console bulb, any tips?

XL says:

Thanks for the video, I have the same problem… You know what they say when you have a land rover… You only need to pay attention to two guages, the fuel and the temperature haha… In my case the temperature gauge light is out. I'll fix this tomorrow.

Martin Kemp Antiques says:

Very good my boy.

Don Williams says:

Great video! T10 or T4.7? Or is there a diff?

Gerry Dance says:

Hi, Great explanation of bulb fitment thank you. I'm having trouble finding a link to the correct led ice blue bulbs with correct fitment. I've a 2004 Land rover Disco' TD5. Could you possibly send me a link of the ones you bought on E-bay please? Regards G.

Shane 86 says:

I want all these but red light where did you get the bulbs pal

James Caron says:

NIce work. Really like the new lighting. But Aren't dashboards fun? 30 minutes to disassemble and assemble the dash and 15 seconds to replace the bulbs.

AutomotiveServiceExpert says:

What are leds you used?

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