Kerbal Space Program – How To Land Your Rovers

Kerbal Space Program – How To Land Your Rovers

I had some people ask about the best way to land a complex rover as part of a mission. In the Apollo missions the rover was attached to the side of the lande…



Nathaniel Kencke says:

3:00 Evil Knievil

Uraneum says:

If those rovers are sub assemblies then how did you get them clamped on
your ship at 1:46? I’ve tried a hundred different ways to get a sub
assembly clamped onto a ship but can’t figure it out.

Xannari Ferrows says:

Protip: Rovers do not always have to be big! If you can design a fairly
compact rover with, of course, the necessities for driving and performing
science, try mounting the engines of a lander on the side, and attaching
the rover to the bottom, making sure the wheels do not go below the landing
gear. This tactic not only allows re-usable rovers, but you can air drop
them onto a planet using parachutes. If you are going to a planet without
an atmosphere though, I suggest landing, or giving it a separate propulsion

Björn Eberhardt says:

What about putting the rover on top of the whole rocket? You already had a
docking port ready for it…

Adam Blackerby says:

My rover deployment method,, may have been
different if I had found this video first.

Kaiyto says:

make a video teaching us how to make an actual rover

Vince O says:

If you’re afraid that your rover wheels will break, use like two landing
legs, then retract them after and “fall” onto your wheels

orestis mpotis says:

3:02 Michael Bay approves

Roblox Epicness says:

how do you transfer fuel without pipes?
i need it for my laythe space station

Parker Frye says:

Can you post the Ship files?

Icaro_JJP says:

How did you move the rover from the spaceplane hangar to the vehicle
assembly building? I don’t find it on the save files on the VAB folder.
When I move the file from the SPH folder to the VAB folder, I can load it
normally on the vehicle assembly building, but if I revert flight to
assembly building I go back to the spaceplane hangar.

Teenage_Sasquatch says:

Didn’t Apollo landers only have 3legs?

Revanchist8525 says:

For some reason, when ever I attach my rover to the bottom of my lander,
the centre of lift is all wonky and is not in the middle. When I test the
lander, it immediately swerves to one side and crashes, it’s very
uncontrollable.However, as soon as I remove my rover, the centre of lift
goes back to normal again. My centre of mass and thrust is accurately
centered. Anyone have any insight on my problem?

Cameron Porter says:

Skycrane is the nicest way I think.

Yogindra K G says:

can you make a video/tutorial of how to build a rover?

Daniel Astbury says:

I use a sky crane to land my rovers.

Xzadfor Spacefox says:

I just discovered your videos and I love how you explain so many things in
this game, it’s really helped me fall in love with KSP.

If I may request, I see a lot of mods and some of the instructions seem to
be written for an engineer. Would you consider a quickie explaining how
some of the mods are worked and more importantly, how, when you build, you
manipulate parts so easily? I cannot seem to get things to attach at angles
and things as clean as you do.

Thanks again for your videos, wow! great stuff, I’m glad Game of Thrones is
done, I have a new Scott Manley show to watch now!


TheRobotArmHD says:

Fixing wheels while standing not even near the wheels?… thats some darth
vader shit…

Pascall Pandacoon says:

I haven’t gotten nearly this far but I still love watching your videos for
learning purposes.

I insta-subscribed because of your “We woulda had to hire a gardener …
but with all these spare rockets just laying around we figured we could
just burn them off…

Great informative videos and funny too… I’m having quite a hard time
figuring this game out but you’re making it TONS easier.

Ryan Goodier says:


eikuz says:

using air inflated wheels in space…

Ryne Strom says:

What were you using to connect the 2 rovers at the beginning? They look
like girders?

Mason Rafferty says:

2:15 you could use the brakes and that would stop the wheels from spinning.

175griffin says:

how do i get the rover into the rocket building hangar, i can build a rover
in the space plane hangar but i have no way to get it to the rocket. how do
i do that?

Ethan Rossman says:

what with the video quality

Zander Potgieter says:

i put my rover on top of my lander and used radial engines to lift it off
the lander

CravingAura says:

how do i turn on ground scatter??

lerriano says:

+Scott Manley For the final idea, the rover/lander combo, could you not
have lander legs as well, land on them, then pull them back into the craft
and settle neatly onto the wheels?

Alex M. says:

Turn on brakes and disable steering to keep the wheels from going too

Thomas Williams says:

Also how the hell do you transfer fuel

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