How to fit Defender Axels Drive Flanges and Bearings

How to fit Defender Axels Drive Flanges and Bearings

A quick vid with some basic steps on fitting new Axels, Drive Flanges, Bearings and Grease seals into the rear of a Land Rover Defender. NOTE: This is also a…



Land Rover Toolbox Videos says:

Tut tut……..ALWAYS lubricate the bearings even if they are oil fed. The
seal lip needs to be lubricated too. 

scotsford says:

It would be nice if you showed the technique for setting the bearing
tightness up properly otherwise folks could have them either too tight or
too loose. This is a critical part of the re-assembly that you have not

Penemix1979 says:

Pero que hace este MELON?!?!? Ha metido los rodamientos a palo seco!!! sin
grasa ni ningun tipo de lubricacion!!! jajjajajajajjajaj….pobre Land
Rover, perdera alguna rueda….

yehudiadelphos1 says:

Make sure you lubricate the bearings too before inserting them into the
hub, otherwise you’ll be doing it all over again real soon :P, with new
ones. 😛

Glen Edwards says:

Yeah true, but there’s lots of other videos, probably some specifically
about that topic. Do a google search, or use a field manual, or ask on a
Land Rover forum for more details. This was my first time doing this job,
and first time making a video about it at the same time.

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