How To Change Gear Knob on Range Rover Sport

How To Change Gear Knob on Range Rover Sport

instruction on how to remove the gear knob on a Range Rover Sport.



Mark Masengale says:

Great vid. But why is your steering wheel over there on the wrong side of
the vehicle? ;-)

Phil Baker-Pennicott says:

Hi Powerfulukltd, thanks for this as I would never have worked it out,
it must be pointed out that the selector MUST be in park when refitting, if
not all sorts of faults are indicated. Thanks again

powerfulukltd says:

embedded on website

AerogaSpammer says:

Yeah why is this 100% voted down??? Makes no sense. I’m voting up.

powerfulukltd says:

Hi – thanks for voting it up although i must confess i don’t loose sleep
over the ratings. Most of the time my videos are watched as embedded videos
within our website so i am not sure it has any impact on the views. If I
had set out to have a career in film I would be upset ! Thanks for your
kind comment !

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