Discovery Safari Snorkel: Fitting Guide

Discovery Safari Snorkel: Fitting Guide

How to fit a Safari Snorkel to a Land Rover Discovery 300tdi.



surfchef76 says:

lol 9:51 drop me nuts lucky your mate was there to help you with them then
and what about old air intake hole i shouldn’t worry about sealing little
holes under neath wen there a hole about 3inches in the front of the air
box sorry lads fail :D

Michael Rossa says:

Thanks for a great DIY video, was a huge help as my snorkel didnt come with

Abdullah Khaibari says:

by this video, I’ll do it home

Matt Tester says:

Have you had any problems with water getting in the existing airbox to
turbo, turbo to intercooler and intercooler to manifold pipes? They didn’t
seem to be sealed. I’ve just bought one of these snorkels and want to make
sure I’m sealing everything up properly. Thanks.

tractormandavid says:

matey said its an 83mm hole saw in the video

070ruben says:

Errores; NO limpio ni lavo con agua y detergentes el box del filtro de aire
;sobre sucio pego silicona;no puso silicona en toda el area de contacto del
guardabarro; y NO hizo la prueba de estaquiedad de todo el conjunto(puede
chupar agua cuando se realice un vadeo) poco profecional.

tpvalley says:

my brother fitted a snorkel but misses a vent pipe to airbox, I dont think
con rods are supposed to be banana shaped.

Colin2084AD says:

Great video, very helpful!

shardegna says:

Very helpful, wich diameter is necessary for the holesaw? tanks

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