The Fix – Mobile browser showdown

The Fix – Mobile browser showdown Watch as Chrome, Safari, and Opera Mini are put through their paces in a real-world mobile-browser speed test.



Raphy Martinez says:

Sharon Wine Condoms?

AppleTech3345 says:

Sharon cheated 

Jerome Gabriel says:

Showdown between Mobile browsers

David Tao says:

Darn, Apple blocks other browsers from being faster than safari

Correct me if im wrong

OneOfOne says:

use a real phone.

Corey Brown says:

Sharon is a gorgeous light skin woman! :)


Well my Note 2 android browser beat all and got 2nd in the 2nd round.

ormand3000 says:

Lots of stupidity in this one.



nortexoid says:

Firefox for Android suckas!

Groud Frank says:

I don’t think it’s possible to be more unscientific with this “experiment”.

Bruno Turner Oggioni says:

Opera Mini is supposed to be used where you have bad connection, where
there is no 4g or 3g, where you have only 2g or bad 3g. It has a different
use than safari and chrome.

Harindu Hippola says:

Thats the old Opera -.-

Wiejeben says:

Safari also has tab syncing. Plus I’d like to say Opera uses a proxy, so ..
NSA 😛 

Charles Gomes says:

Opera is really the best one, not the mini, but the full version, it has
discovery which makes flipboard useless, it’s as fast as chrome, have a
slow connection option etc… even if it hasn any of the bling of gestures,
it has elegance in his simplicity and efficiency. I don’t mind a not so
much slower browser that is better in everything… I have a Moto G, and
Opera is really great in it.

Wiejeben says:

I think it’d be more fair to use more powerful network, since that 4G
hotspot might have trouble routing 3 connections at the same time.

Graham Roth says:

those networks are slow, In canada we’ve had LTE networks for a few years,
and 3G up here is even faster it seems then the video

coolhaikal says:

ues dolphin or opera not opera mini,opera mini is slow

Marshall Mjob says:

Why do you assume that?

Samuel Vlastos says:

And her battery is low so Safari win 

Souvik Das says:

#Chrome is the #best no doubt! But i prefer #safari for #iPhone /iPad n
chrome on #Nexus7

rybob7 says:

I would clearly do that same test on Android. Opera would win. Something
went wrong with opera and your iPhone. By the way Puffin would kill that
test. It’s that fastest mobile browser ever on mobile.

babaroga73 says:

So it took 3 times a try , and a wifi reboot to get Chrome to beat Safari
by a split second which I cannot see even after 3 replays ?????? Why
didn’t You did that the first time when Chrome won over Safari ??? Which
browser and OS are You rooting for again?

Salahudean Tee says:

Quite a Racially balanced Video.

eastender74 says:

Funny enough I would love to see chrome be available on the windows phone

Sasa Maljkovic says:

Safari the bwst

Will Bar says:

I have Opera on all my laptops both my cellphones and my I-Touch and its
the fastest browser beating out chrome and safari by a mile. When I run out
of 4G on my phone then the only option is Opera because using any other
browser takes too long.

iAdden says:

Wine condoms? O.o

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