Color Changing Plasti Dip! (Chameleon)

Color Changing Plasti Dip! (Chameleon) Dip Pearls into Plasti Dip 5 color Anthias chameleon color pearls color changing additives powder pearls and pigments.



Rev55 says:

What year is this video from? 2000?

First time I saw a chameleon color was in 2000, by 2005 people had realized
how wack that ish was. 

albboy96 says:

my question is, how the hell do you wash a car that has been

SierzantYelonek says:

is it gasoline and oil resistant ?

Steve Steiner says:

How long will it last?

James Keige says:

so what color do you register it with at the DMV?

Ace00731 says:

plastidip is a cool idea, but it honestly gets messed up very easily. if
you wanna wash your bike or car, you’re fucked if you get chrome cleaner on
it. and god if you have a plastidiped gas tank, and get gas on it, it ruins

Matt Watkinson says:

This would be a good colour for a getaway vehicle because of conflicting
eyewitness accounts. 

Robert Coffey says:

Is it just me, or does Plasti dip seem like a solution designed for people
that don’t have a paint booth, do have a garage and are particularly
indecisive about the paint color of their car?

turnipgoodness says:


dominc light says:

Can your peel That dip?

TheCodKingz10 says:

Song is Experimental Motion – Mechanics
– Your Welcome

RandomGaming says:

So what would the price be for something like this ? except for an avant
version. And how long will it last ?

jayr122001 says:

how much to plastidip a car?

Evan Borden says:

Incredible and only $500. Screw car paint this is the future.

Noah Dobson says:

*Dream* *Car*

Dean-0 says:

Is there a dip your bike video:P

MrYoungMountain says:

Kinda off topic, but does anyone know the name of the song playing while
they showcase the car?

PrinceAmy100 says:

Zajebiste, z chujowego czerwonego zmienia się w pedalski różowy…
Ile trzeba wydać żeby tak zjebać samochód?

Nozyspy says:

So, let me get this straight; this is like a vinyl wrap but you spray it

Kenney Madsen says:

Does it come in a less girly chameleon ? maybe with green or blue in

Alek Salazar says:

Would confuse the shit out of cops… lol

Magic Trash Can says:

nice camera work!

2ofEverything says:

I feel like this paint would promote people to drive even worse, I mean
think about it, they would constantly speed up and slow down beside you
just to see the colour change.

Alibek Umbetaliyev says:

i don’t understand it’s paint? look nice

DJ SwizzY says:

What’s the outro song???

Thomas Harrison says:

The car looks so unreal.. out of video gameunreal

Paincake10 says:

over all it’s purple

energy booster says:

Audi s4 ich love

B Lenny says:

Super Awesome….

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