Climate Change Is Affecting Earth’s Gravity!

Climate Change Is Affecting Earth’s Gravity!

Climate change is changing the Earth in more ways than we could’ve imagined! Join Amy as she discusses how the ice sheets melting is changing gravity on Eart…



Calvin Shaffer says:

I’m so sick of DNews’ view on GLOBAL WARMING. That’s right, they keep
saying ‘Climate Change’ (Which is a real thing and has little or no
correlation to human activity) but they CLEARLY keep harping on GLOBAL

This graph clear shows an increase in ice since 2012 so wouldn’t that mean
we should be getting heavier? Answer: NO. Why? Because matter can neither
be destroyed or created, but only transformed. So all that “mass lost by
melting ice” would be converted into water. The ONLY way that Earth could
be losing gravitational pull is if Earth either lost mass into space or the
geo magnetic forces are weakening. Or it could be a combination of the 2.
Plus the Antarctic ice is exploding in size, but I didn’t hear anyone say
that people in the southern hemisphere weigh more. Anybody who believes
melting ice causes gravitational disturbances is just plain uneducated or
to damn trusting of this global warming narrative. Don’t get me wrong, we
need to end all the pollution, but man made climate change is not a thing.
Except for all the geo engineers that are attempting to manipulate the
climate themselves. 

Carter James Doakes says:

Fake. Don’t believe this crap my fellow humans. The only thing you need to
believe is our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Kvin Cast says:

Why is it a bad thing? If we have less gravity we will be able to create
those scifi things we wanted to create, like titans and space ships, we can
create bigger citys and possibly excape space with less strange. This are
my thoughts. Correct me if im wrong.

nlimskater says:

Beginning to lose faith in this channel, used to trust it

Jean-Francois Prince says:

Wish gravity would decease all over the globe 

aabbccddeeffgg1234 says:

i love climate change, i live on a mountain so i wont be affected by the
rising sea level. also mountains covers from each side so extreme weather
is a rare thing here.
also south pole has alot of unused land that we can start using once the
ice is gone and there might be alot of interesting historical stuff we can
find under the ice. 

Emigdiosback says:

that doesn’t even begin to make any sense!

Progamer6135 says:

can the ice grow back ? if it can will it be salty ?

Jorin Veltman says:

Nothing about those undersea volcanos melting down the antartic ice sheets
? Really ? how convenient…

PessOmist says:

This whole Climate Change thing is being blown up so people accept the
energy tax scam Obama is trying to pull to screw people into paying higher
energy bills.
If there is climate change, it is a natural occurrence that we have no
control over and there is nothing we can do about it so there is nothing
the little people need to do to discus about it.

Stargazer Nation™ says:

Climate Change Is Affecting Earth’s Gravity!

IMKevin117 says:

So is the acceleration rate still 9.8 m/s(squared)?

Benjamin Sulton says:

This sounds like a really bad thing. 

Penguin Nipples says:

420 blz it fgt

ekulerudamuru says:

Lol..i never thought it can affect gravity..

IggyTron says:

So it’s good for fat ppl?

Dan Troop says:

Why worry about climate change/global warming when what we should really be
concerned about is the reduction in earth’s magnetic field which is
decreasing at ten times the normal rate. This is considered to be a prelude
to the geomagnetic shift where the polarity of the north and south poles
will “flip” which will have extensive and unknown effects. Oops, sorry,
this is a totally normal and expected event and occurs without human
causation or remediation. Such natural phenomena can’t, of course, be
involved in what is perceived by some as an impending climatological
disaster since those same folks are convinced that it is caused by human
activity and can be remedied by human activity.
Attention flamers and true believers- the last time I failed to agree with
“settled science” and “99% of the important people in the world” I was
inundated by hateful and hurtful comments. Be advised that this time around
I will not respond to such vile trollish behavior and will simply LMAO at
such bigotted foolishness.

AceRadicalDrago says:

Look at her hands! She keeps trying to make the illuminati symbol! SHES ONE

JLP Entertainment says:

Global warming is a hoax so government can get money. 

SinerAthin says:


Do not scroll further down!

By reading through the comment section of this video, the risk of your IQ
suddenly dropping increases exponentially! Stay away!

FlyingJetpack1 says:

For people who wants to weight less, go to antartica and weight yourself :D

flyhighpizzapie says:

NO, question answered!

jamilnielsen says:

lets add this to the million and one list of bad things Climate change is
causing and/or can effect.

George Metzo says:

Ι believe this is plain bullshit

James Oldfield says:

Gravity’s still the same because the ice has turned to water. It’s still
the same mass in a different state.

jonas samuel says:

I love the show, but
*This video is misguiding,*
Correct it please look at the comment section and watch how much misery and
halfknowledge you created for your punchline! (especially the proportions)
Set it right, or at least be ashamed!

Akaki Makacaria says:

Gobal warming! The best way to loose wait!

Aaron Hunjas says:

Whaaat? and I thought Antarctica just broke last years record of ice mass.
It’s the Arctic that’s depleting, so where’s your gravity story up there?

Jacob Clegg says:

Climate change is real but it’s not doing anything to us. If you people
haven’t realized the an arctic ice is at a 35 year record high and that’s
in the summer. Ice melting happened in the summer and the water referees in
the winter. And I guess you people don’t understand that the earth heats up
before an ice age and we are about do for one soon considering we haven’t
had one for 12,000 years. To finish this statement, there is more green
house gasses being created by cow farts than us. Climate change is real but
it is not caused by man.

Alicia Labani says:

This chick has zero camera personality. TAKE A F$×*@#% BREATH!!! I heard
nothing but anxious/nervous blahblahblah. 

hunteranubis says:

huh…. this girls isnt the pritiest but she good at this.. unlike trace
and well prety much all the other ppl. Id like to see more of her on Dnews

Ounti says:

Dude you don’t understand the gravity of the situation man, climate change
is serious bro!!

dudelivestrong says:

Bull fucking shit.

Holy Cheese says:

I’m going to weigh less now? THAT MEANS I CAN EAT MORE!!!

Garet Rooks says:

The comments on this video just killed off a few brain cells.. I am leaving
Loved the video though. ^^

BigMo says:

So they got a new chick, time to stretch my anaconda.

doomlord117 says:

This is incredably misleading. The gravity change is so miniscule that you
need nothing less then the gear the space agency has to detect it. And as
for the source of climate change it was probably us but at the same time
its into positve feedback hell. Its gonna be a hard thing to stop.

Mikael Murstam says:

I do not understand the sentence “Is a little bit of gravity loss worth the
damage to climate change?”. What do you mean? That sentence doesn’t make
any sense. There is no gain in climate change so why would it be worth

Darnell Underwood says:

Tara got competition 

Zerofever says:

Deez nutz weigh less, thank gawd!

tubedude9311 says:

who knew that gravity was related to mass? this is the dumbest fucking
video ever. hey bitch, kill yourself.

Randy Miller says:

Don’t tell the deniers about this; they will think it is made up.

Jay Xan says:

God every time climate change comes up the brain washed republicans come
out in droves. You people are dumb go back to your bibles where it makes
sense for the entire world to be flooded and the whole planet to have been
drowned except for 2 of each animal magically held on a boat. 

C York says:

I did not realize so many only watch Fox News.

kwameopoku410 says:

i feel like she is looking through me

C- Bud says:

Remember the only constant is change. Its not like even if you get rid of
fossil fuels altogether that the climate won’t change. Deserts turn to
jungles and jungles to deserts. Climate change is natural. How many Ice
ages has the earth been through?? 5 over 2 billion years and the last one
was 3 million years ago meaning that global temperatures should be rising
right now naturally. Yet everyone is freaking out that global temperatures
are on the rise and saying we are the reason its doing so. Global
temperatures don’t flat-line. If they did, then that’s when I would be
worried about “Climate Change.” This whole hype in meant to instill more
fear to take more of your hard earned $$ as “Carbon taxes”.

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