Change your iPhone 5S color within seconds!

Change your iPhone 5S color within seconds!

Here’s how to change your iPhone to any desired color within just seconds! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: https://…



angelgirl21luv says:

You’re wasting resources that people use to make iPhones on the most
dumbest things EVER. Like do you think this is freaking funny? You probably
do since you’re retarded you dumb fuck. People like you is what makes this
world horrible.

Mia Shoemaker says:

You are truly an idiot! Do you realize you just wasted an 800$ phone

Loven Gym says:

Amazing!!!! NOT. Streaks ar
Left and it is th ugliest thing ever

TheAmazingMuffin says:

Your retarded and a money waster. Just because your one rich fucker doesnt
mean you can brake what ever the fuck u want

ChickenFactory says:

African children could’ve used that phone. >:(

El Bosco Estrada says:

how yo got too many iphones dude?

samuelclarke24 says:

This isn’t art i know what art is and this isn’t art

Aaron Collen says:

My god this dude is really stupid is this guy like trolling us or something
this is really retarded I mean like where would you get his idea again I
don’t know stupid idea painting your phone putting cement on your phone
bending and just get a case like idiots I’m like what the fuck

Bailey James says:

no one wants that it has no art no good looks and no one would want PAINT

Maurício Moreira says:

This is Really Sad! Most of people do not have the money to buy an Iphone
and another people do things like this, this is the social unquality.

Butterflycandy234 says:

Is this real?

MattRevs says:

Anyone see the troll face in the background at 4:26 ?

kawaii bunbun says:

Can you people just STOP saying he’s wasting money and phones he is doing
these experiments to show people what will happen so you know the dangers
and what will happen so if you are in a dangerous situation where there are
things that might just ‘kill’ your iPhone or after knowing let’s say the
screen cracks easily, you will take extra precaution to make sure your
iPhone is safe. In this case, he is showing us an inexpensive way to colour
your iPhone you should be grateful someone bothered to try it out risking
his phone to share the dos and donts of the phone. So stop,the hate
comments and just be grateful

Ali Alsuwaidi says:

one day this phone will do it to you 

Gabi Garcia says:

Wow you are an amazing artist

TheTargetMaster says:

everyone who says that he is an idiot for destroying iphones should fucking
get a life! they are objects that do not change your life in any way. why
do you care if he destroys these phones? just fucking leave if it isnt your

Briunet1 says:

Lol Wtf?! Paint On The front?? And the camera?? Lol, who would use that
crap then?

Alejandro HINCAPIÉ says:

i want five 

SnowySpark ;D says:

someone could have eaten that paint
wtf dude

Alois Flipping Trancy says:

I wish I had his money to fucking throw away. Dumbass, I hate rich people,
they don’t even know what the hell they have!

Winston Struass says:


Matias Brown says:

Stupid ass

Thaibah Hassan says:

The brown was like poop

catherine mcdonald says:

U are a waste of space 

Sora Nguyen says:

seriously? i just watched this stupid video. 

THCHfavourite4 says:

you are stupid really stupid

Leen Salam says:

Ur so stupid 

katherine ryAN says:

what the fuck is wring with you

Saylor Rose says:


elli's frozentiger says:


Cobras7111 says:

buy a case stupid

Andrea Janeckova says:

you need a doctor..

Ava LPS says:

Omg your really stupid wtf who eould do that like words can’t explain how
ANOYYING I am St you !!!

Felix johnson says:

how stupid is this person

Shadow says:

Are you trying to be funny?

mona kang says:

Lost for words… That is really stupid

Gracie Lowson says:

Or u could just buy the 5c

omersha shajahan says:

Would you donate one of the iPhone 5s to me . If you don’t mind . Just

Nacho Hernandez says:

iPhones ARE pieces of shit anyways….

Kaylen Loves Potatoes says:

guys its a JOKE -.-

Laurits Hiie says:

OMG it worked my iPhone is so sego

abdullah abdulaziz says:

This man actually hates iPhone that is why he always destroys one

Jakxzombie Games says:

3:54 chocolate iPhone 5s lol

akiuehi says:

you’re not really colouring the iphone, btw. you colour it with strokes and
shit and THEN you wipe it off completely without any trace. that is just
temporary colouring, and you can’t really use it while you have all that
paint on, you’ll get paint all over the screen.

Kakka Carrot Cake says:

I want mine in white!

Rusty Shakleford says:

This guy is such a smart ass, I love you. 

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