2003 Mustang With Lambo Doors – (QualityLamboDoors)

2003 Mustang With Lambo Doors – (QualityLamboDoors)




rafael vergara says:

Hey man I installed lambo doors on my 2001 mustang but the doors don’t go
up by themselves. I have to lift it to the top and even then it kinda wants
to come back down. I think it’s the piston (shock) or whatever. What
strength shock are you using for the door?

Joseph Stalin says:

I literally came when you said you could open it either way. Awesome doors
and video.

11m0 says:

lambo door coupons

mymsong says:

and all that in 23 minutes!

itzDeaMan says:

I had to speed up the video it took about a 2 hours so that would have been
a lot of footage to render and upload it took 4 hours a lone to render this
and only 30 minutes to upload =]

itzDeaMan says:

Nice bro you have your bike and car matching did you paint them yourself?

HertsWestUK says:

Looks very cool =]

BkaBreezy says:

Yo DeaMan where do u live? London? Cos i wanna join ur freerunnin club

FuriousLand says:

nice ride man it looks sexy with the lambo doors on

IResistanceCinema says:

pretty cool kit. the installation on it looks really simple.

Karim Fly Boy says:

NiCe Broow (Plz what’s the name of The Last Music ?, 🙂

itzDeaMan says:

Thanks man tell me the time of the song because there is a lot of mixed
tracks in here and ill tell you the song

Prince Davis says:

Check out my channel to see a baby blue corvette with limbo doors. Vid is
called footwork Osiris addition

itzDeaMan says:

Hey everyone here is my install and review on my 2003 mustang lambo doors
be sure to check out the video you will see how bad ass it turned out. If
you can do me a favor and show the support please leave a like and a
comment thank you

zZxHyp3z says:

Nice man looks great

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