2005 Kia Sportage V6 2.7L Quick Timing Belt/Water Pump video

2005 Kia Sportage V6 2.7L Quick Timing Belt/Water Pump video

This is just a quick compilation of videos and info to help with the task at hand. Sorry if I forgot anything, or the order is a little off since it was a ve…



B pieters says:

A great video, i have a kia optima 2.5L and i go to chance the timing beld
this weekend. the video helps my a lot !
Greetings Bob, Holland (Europa)

lancelotknt says:

what is that white crust on the intake manifold?


Sorry for taking so long very busy trying get the house we are buying
cleared. There is a roll pin in the pulley which I used a punch while
applying a little pressure pulling on the pulley then hitting the roll pin
with the punch.


Thank you and good luck.

MrPILLS1957 says:

Nice Job on the Video, I have a 2007 with 120,000 lkm’s. Want to do
mine…..lol Doug

Josie Pierce says:

Im having a problem removing the crankshaft pulley. I have the bolt out but
I cant pull the pulley all the way off. In fact, I cant even get it far
enough off to back out the lower timing cover bolts behind it. It wiggles,
but then pulls itself back in. What am I missing? Do I need to remove the
tensioner/idler pulley first? Does the belt have to loosen for me to get to
slide right off?


Thank you. Don’t get too scared of it. As long as you keep organized and
have some good tools it usually goes smooth. Good luck!!!!


Sorry to hear. You could always do a leak down test before ripping it apart
to at least get and idea of what is wrong. Also double check the timing
cause I know the tensioner didn’t fully engage when I rotated the first
time allowing the damn belt to slip a tooth and having to redo it again lol.

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